To attend, please email Shelley Haiken
or call Toby at 928-274-0389 for LOCATION INFORMATION
Antonia Scatton will talk about how the way we communicate shapes public opinion. Rather than telling people what we think they want to hear, we have to listen to them and make the case for what we know to be morally right. This is the best way to both win political campaigns and forge a better, kinder and more mutually responsible society. To do this effectively, we need to understand critical facts about how language impacts the brain and how our public debate actually works. Learn how to push the right buttons, with hope instead of hate.
Antonia is a leading authority on message strategy and framing with more than 25 years of experience in political communications. She is the author of the Substack newsletter Reframing America and a protégé of renowned cognitive linguist, George Lakoff. Antonia currently works with the DNC’s Association of State Democratic Committees to bring her messaging workshops to party leaders, candidates and activists across the country. She wants to help revitalize the Democratic Party and make human decency popular again!
Read Antonia’s newsletters here:
ZOOM Details
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 884 2366 3169 Passcode: 674139 |
About this event
We are ready to take action in 2025!
Join us to review the new Indivisible Guide and Prescott Indivisible’s plans for 2025.
If you want to get a head start on the meeting you can read the Indivisible Guide here:
Please RSVP Registering helps us plan for dinner AND it is the only way to receive the link to join virtually.
IN-PERSON: Please join us in-person at 5:30 p.m. for a light dinner and to hang out with other progressive activists in the area. The speakers and presentation will begin at 6pm.
VIRTUAL: Please join us virtually a few minutes before 6 p.m. to test your sound and video. The speakers and presentation will begin at 6 p.m. The link to join is included in your confirmation and reminder emails.
February 26
Early entrance 11am
Program at 11:30am
Call for tickets and info
Speakers: Joyce Petrowski, founder of R.O.S.E., speaks about the
effective Fraud and Awareness and Protection Program that
R.O.S.E. offers to older adults.
Please contact (928) 541-0413 for location!!!
[email protected]