LWVVV – Info on Ballot Propositions @ Your Polling Place
Nov 6 all-day

LWVAZ stand on Propositions on Nov. 6 Ballot

No on Proposition 305

The non-partisan League of Women Voters of Arizona urges a NO vote on Proposition 305 in order to stop a law passed by the AZ Legislature in 2017. That law expands the AZ Empowerment Scholarship Account program (known as ESA) to all students in AZ.  

Passage of Proposition 305 would result in a major step toward privatizing education in our state.  The League of Women Voters and the AZ Constitution both speak to ensuring that the state provides adequate funds for a PUBLIC education for all AZ students.   Neither the League of Women Voters nor the AZ Constitution speak to a state role in providing funds for private education. 

Expanding Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESA), also known as vouchers, to more students will take away public money badly needed for our already underfunded public schools both traditional and charter.  The public schools monies given to the child for an ESA are put on a debit card and given to the parent for payment of private school tuition including religious schools, home schooling or other ‘qualified’ expenses.  There is little or no accounting by the state of how these monies are actually used.  

Also almost all private/religious school tuition is significantly more than the amount on the debit card. As a result, the ESA/voucher program has been used almost exclusively by wealthy families to subsidize the cost of the private education they would be using for their children in the first place. Passage of Proposition 305 will continue a frightening trend toward a dual education system – one for the very wealthy and one for those the rest of us.  

The League of Women Voters believes a strong democracy includes a free and quality public education for all children.  Vote NO on Proposition 305.

No on Prop. 306

The non partisan League of Women Voters of Arizona urges a NO vote on Proposition 306, the Arizona Legislature’s attempt to weaken the AZ Clean Election Law by limiting the independence of the AZ Citizens Clean Elections Commission and making it subject to partisan control.  

The League of Women Voters helped draft the original initiative that created the AZ Clean Elections Law and worked for its passage in 1998.  The AZ Clean Elections Law is a model nationwide for public financing of elections. It is the Voters’ Voice in the enforcement of our campaign finance laws and it provides objective and timely voter information to all Arizona voters. 

The statewide Commission that oversees the AZ Clean Elections Law was intentionally created to be a nonpartisan and independent entity.  The commission’s rule making authority granted to it by the initiative has maintained its independence while providing adequate opportunities for public comment on such rules.  

The Arizona Legislature’s proposed revision to the AZ Clean Elections Commission’s rule making process will allow a totally partisan entity, appointed only by the Governor, to oversee the Commission’s rule making, thus removing its independence.  Passage of Proposition 306 will likely weaken the commission’s ability to oversee the enforcement of campaign finance laws, to maintain adequate oversight of the funding it provides to Clean Election Candidates and could even curtail its valuable voter education program.

We need to Strengthen NOT weaken the AZ Clean Elections Law and keep partisan politics out of campaign financing. Vote NO on Proposition 306.

LWVGVV stand on Yavapai and Coconino County propositions in the Verde Valley

Proposition 416 (Coconino County): Whether to change from a partisan election of superior court judges to a merit selection and judicial retention election of superior court judges.  LWVGVV support this proposition.


• The Arizona Constitution, as stipulated in Article 6, §40, allows for counties with a population under 250,000 persons to choose to select its judges of the superior court as if it had a population of 250,000 or more persons. 

• When a county’s population exceeds 250,000 as documented by the U.S. Census, that county automatically enters the merit selection system. Only Maricopa, Pima and Pinal counties exceed that population threshold. 

• Other counties may choose to adopt merit selection by popular vote. Currently, Superior Court Judges (in Coconino County) are elected in a partisan primary, then rarely face an opponent in general elections.

LWV position in support of this proposition: The League of Women Voters of Arizona supports the selection of judges by appointment, with voter approval for retention; a judicial nominating commission, responsible to the governor; and a competency review commission.

Proposition 417 (Coconino County): Shall the Coconino County Community College District be authorized to continue to levy the current secondary property tax in the amount of $2,226,000, beginning in tax year 2019, for seven years. 

The incremental funding to be used to: 

• Initiate new career and technical education and training programs that prepare Coconino County students for jobs in Coconino County including related costs; and
• Develop new programs to support veterans’ training for civilian jobs including related costs; and
• Develop new programs to train and re-train Coconino County workers, in conjunction with Coconino County employers and expand current job training programs including related costs; and
• Enhance educational services throughout Coconino County, including communities such as Page, Tuba City, and Williams, including related costs; and
• Encourage and support lifelong learning programs, including related costs.

LWV position in support of this proposition: Funds for education in Arizona are collected through district property taxes and equalized through state income and sales taxes from the State’s General Fund. In addition, the League supports: Bond and override funds determined by a majority of district voters. LWVGVV supports this proposition

Proposition 446 (City of Sedona): The proposal on the Nov. 6 ballot would establish a permanent expenditure limit of approximately $25.2 million. This proposition was brought to the ballot by a citizens’ initiative.

Background: Voter-approved expenditure limitations-
What is the difference between an alternative expenditure limitation (home rule), permanent base adjustment, and a one-time override?
Home rule—Arizona Constitution, Article IX, §20(9), allows a city or town to adopt an alternative expenditure limitation (home rule) with voter approval at a regularly scheduled election for the nomination or election of its governing board members. A home rule prescribes the method the city or town will use to calculate its own expenditure limitation each year. Voters must approve a home rule prior to the first fiscal year in which it applies. Home rules apply for 4 succeeding fiscal years, after which the constitutional expenditure limitation becomes effective, unless voters adopt a new home rule.
Permanent base adjustment—Arizona Constitution, Article IX, §20(6), allows a city or town to permanently adjust its base limit with voter approval at a regularly scheduled general election or at a nonpartisan election held for the nomination or election of its governing board members. The Economic Estimates Commission will use the adjustment to calculate the constitutional expenditure limitation beginning with the fiscal year immediately following the fiscal year that voters approve the permanent base adjustment. Permanent base adjustments apply to all future years; however, voters may adopt additional adjustments.
May a city or town under home rule adopt a permanent base adjustment? Yes. A city or town under home rule may adopt a permanent base adjustment. The Economic Estimates Commission will use the adjusted base limit to calculate the city’s or town’s constitutional expenditure limitation for the year following a permanent base adjustment’s voter approval. However, the city or town is still subject to its home rule if the home rule has not expired.

Issues: Brought to the voters by initiative (which has never been done in AZ) with no fiscal background on calculation of expenditures limits and no involvement from the city government. If approved, it would effectively cap all future city’s spending to roughly half of the city’s annual expenditures for the past five years.

LWV believes that both home rule and permanent base adjustments are appropriate tools to be used by government entities when determining their expenditure levels. Both processes are invited public participation, are transparent and accountable to the public through approval of the governing bodies and voted upon by the public. This proposition was not created with public participation or approval of the city council to send it to the ballot. Because of lack of public participation and lack of transparency on the determination of the expenditure limit – LWVGVV opposes Proposition 446.

Proposition 447 (Sedona-Oak Creek School District): Adopt a General Maintenance and Operation Budget that includes an amount of up to 15% in excess of the revenue control limit for the 2019/2020 fiscal year and for six subsequent years (subject to certain reductions provided by statute in years six and seven). The District’s current 15% budget override is by law required to be reduced by one-third in each of 2019/2020 and 2020/2021. Because the existing override reduces by one-third in fiscal year 2019/2020, the proposed 15% override budget will be approximately $274,488 higher than the District’s 2019/2020 alternate budget and the District’s secondary tax rate required to fund this amount is estimated to be $0.05 per one hundred dollars of net limited assessed property valuation.

The total budget override amount is estimated to be $823,464 and would be funded by an estimated $0.15 tax rate, which is approximately equal to the current tax rate levied for the existing override. In future years the amount of the increase, if any, will be as provided by law.

Continued funding for programs currently serving district students – art/music, PE, school safety and security, technology enhancements, smaller class sizes, all day kindergarten.

LWV position in support of this proposition: Funds for education in Arizona are collected through district property taxes and equalized through state income and sales taxes from the State’s General Fund. In addition, the League supports: Bond and override funds determined by a majority of district voters. LWVGVV supports this proposition

Phone Banking – call from DORR everyday/anytime – We Need Your Help
Nov 6 all-day


Call Cathy to arrange a time to phonebank.

[email protected]

Nov 6 @ 6:00 am – 7:00 pm


Actually, your vote does matter!!!

We’re thinking about 100% turnout!!!!!

Be there!!!!!

Voting Information for Sedona and VOC:

Yavapai County Recorder Elections Department: 928-771-3248

Coconino County Recorder Elections Department: 928-679-7860

General Election:

Last day to get on the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL, mail-in-ballot) is October 26, 2018.

Mail-in-ballot need to be mailed by October 31st. Before or after October 31st,, ballots can dropped in drop box on East side of Sedona City Hall, or drop off at early vote center, or drop off at polling place on election day. Have the envelope sealed and no ID is required.

Early Vote Centers: Open: Wednesday, October 10 – November 2nd

Yavapai County: 10 South 6th Street, Cottonwood, AZ. Monday-Friday, 8 pm-5 pm
Coconino County: Sedona City Hall, Monday-Thursday, 7 am – 6 pm (Note ends November 1st as they don’t do it on Fridays.)

Election Day, November 6th

Vote Centers (Yavapai County only has Vote Centers, which are the same as polling places, except for the fact that voters can vote at any vote center that is in their county.)

Sedona or VOC (Yavapai County): Sedona Elks Lodge, 110 Airport Road open or VOCA Community Center 690 Bell Rock Blvd

Polling Place for Coconino (Coconino County has Polling Places by precinct. You need to live in that precinct to vote there and they also have Vote Centers where, as long as you live in that county, you can go to any Voting Center. Voting Centers have the ability to print any ballot for that county. That being said there are no Vote Centers in Sedona. See Below for Flagstaff Vote Centers.)

Polling Place: Chapel and Uptown: Christ Lutheran Church

Coconino County Vote Centers (Anyone who lives in Coconino County can vote at any of the Coconino County Vote Centers.)

NAU Walkup Skydome & VOTE CENTER, 1705 S San Francisco St, Flagstaff
Flagstaff Mall & VOTE CENTER, 4650 N US Highway 89, Flagstaff

Tuba City High School & VOTE CENTER, 67 Warrior Dr, Tuba City

Watch Party – Join Us @ Olde Sedona Bar and Grill
Nov 6 @ 7:00 pm – 12:00 am

JOIN US!!!!!
The election watching party/gathering will NOT be at Elks Lodge. There was a conflict with the polling location being in the same place.

So, it is at Olde Sedona Restaurant and Bar, 1405 89A, Sedona. Set up by DORR, it takes place on the restaurant side with a big screen TV for watching news and there is wireless for staying hooked up to the election results from the county.

Food and drinks are available for purchase, but Steve Segner is going to provide some food and drink from their menu.

It starts at 7 p.m. and ends at midnight or when we all go home happy as a lark because it was a great night.

We will post here any changes to the plans, but for now, this is the plan and we expect it will not change.

Phone Banking Join Us!!!! – DORR Office @ DORR Office
Nov 6 @ 8:22 pm – 9:22 pm

Phone Banking

Monday, November 5th, all day
Tuesday, November 6th, all day

Wednesday, November 1st, 4-7 p.m.
Thursday, November 2nd, 4-7 p.m.

Canvass any day/anytime – Call Cathy to set it up!! @ Sedona, village or Cottonwood
Nov 6 @ 8:55 pm – 9:55 pm

Volunteer to canvass any day, anytime!!! We need you!!

Call Cathy!
‭(928) 220-5391‬
[email protected]

Exploring Human Values @ more to come
Nov 7 all-day
Protest Vigil – Session’s “Resignation” @ Veteran's Memorial Park
Nov 8 @ 5:00 pm


Dear Friends,

We are having a vigil!

If you have been following the news you may be aware that President Trump called for the “resignation’ of Jeff Sessions. This firing is a blatant attempt to obstruct justice and we will not stand for it!!!

Meet at 5:00, Thursday, November 8 with your candle or flashlight. This is a Constitutional crisis and we are in solidarity with activists across the country who want to restore accountability to our government.

JOIN US!!!!!!!
Veteran’s Memorial Park
25 Northview Rd. (89A and Northview)

[email protected]

Click here to find and pledge to attend an event near you!

Join thousands across the country who are pledging to take the streets should Trump fire Mueller, demanding immediate action to hold Trump accountable—click here to find an event near you!

Thanks for all you do.

Women’s March Sedona

[email protected]


Exploring Human Values @ more to come
Nov 12 all-day
New Member Gathering – LWV – Join US @ Call or email for location
Nov 12 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

New Member Gathering

Call or email for location.
(928) 274.0443
[email protected]

Exploring Human Values @ more to come
Nov 13 all-day
Exploring Human Values @ more to come
Nov 15 all-day
DORR Breakfast @ Olde Sedona Bar and Grill
Nov 15 @ 8:00 am

Join Us!!!
Monthly meeting
DORR breakfast
November 15, Thursday
Olde Sedona
1405 89A, Sedona

This month we will be hearing two speakers from organizations supporting immigrant and refugee rights.

When we work together,
freedom cannot be detained.
The mission of the Florence Project is to provide free legal and social services to detained adults and unaccompanied children facing immigration removal proceedings in Arizona. The Florence Project has grown from one office with a staff of two people to three offices with 70 staff. With your support, we continue to provide free legal and social services to thousands of immigrant men, women and children detained in Arizona on any given day. We remain a national leader in creating innovative service models and legal strategies to increase access to justice.
More info at:

We are America. The Somos America Coalition is a group of community organizations, religious organizations, non-profits and individuals partnering to advocate for immigrant rights in our community. Sharon Kopina will be addressing us on the work of this organization. They work with released detainees and will be providing a list of needed items DORR members may bring to the breakfast to assist their work — watch for a following email

More info at:

LWVVV Fall Luncheon – Mike Noble @ Sedona Elks Lodge
Nov 15 @ 11:30 am – 1:00 pm


The League of Women Voters Greater Verde Valley (LWVGVV) annual Fall Hot Topics Luncheon will feature Mike Noble, Managing Partner and Chief Pollster of OH Predictive Insights, one of Arizona’s leading public opinion survey firms. The luncheon will be held on Thursday, November 15, at the Elks Lodge of Sedona, 110 Airport Road, Sedona.

“We are pleased to have Mike Noble join us to discuss election results and voting patterns in our state. As involved citizens, it is important that we gain an understanding of emerging trends. Mike’s expertise will help provide that insight,” said Kathy Kinsella, President of the League of Women Voters Greater Verde Valley.

Prior to polling, Noble was a key adviser to many of Arizona’s Public officials. He has consulted on more than 200 political campaigns ranging from U.S. Senate and gubernatorial races to ballot initiatives. His polling and timely release of results on “hot-button” issues have been featured in the media, including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Politico, The Hill, The Guardian, Huffington Post, LA Times, Bloomberg, and the Arizona Republic.

The luncheon cost is $25. Tickets can be purchased at

LWV – Board Meeting @ Elks Club
Nov 15 @ 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm

LWV Board Meeting

Following Luncheon
Elks Club, Sedona

Stone Soup Dinner @ Market of Dreams
Nov 15 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
LWV – Political Book Club – “A People’s History of the United States” – Howard Zinn @ call for location
Nov 17 @ 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Political Book Club

“A People’s History of the United States” by Howard Zinn

Call for location:
Barbra Litrell
(928) 649.0135

Exploring Human Values @ more to come
Nov 19 all-day
Exploring Human Values @ more to come
Nov 27 all-day
Climate Change Report – Part I @ Yavapai College rm. 34
Nov 28 @ 5:30 pm

There is meeting on Climate Change that you might be interested in attending on November 28, 5:30, Yavapai College, Sedona, Room 34.
NAU Prof. Stefan Sommer presents the latest Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change Report. His goal is to simplify, summarize, and amplify the major points of this recent, somewhat difficult to understand, research. It’s an interesting topic and can keep you informed.
Cosponsors include Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and Verde Vally League of Women’s Voters. This meeting is Part I. Th next part II is being planned for Cottonwood in around mid December or early January.

Let’s Talk Politics – LWV @ SedonaCommunity Center
Nov 29 @ 8:30 am – 10:00 am

Let’s Talk Politics

8:30 – 10:00 am

Sedona Community Center
2615 Melody Lane, Sedona

Barbara Litrell – LWV
[email protected]

NAZCCA – (Indivisible Cottonwood) @ Cottonwood Public Library
Dec 1 @ 12:30 pm – 1:45 pm

Dear Friend,

We have decided to cancel our monthly meetings at the Cottonwood Library (the monthly NAZCCA meeting will continue to be held at the Library on the 1st Saturday of each month from 12:30-1:45). Thanks to all who have attended in the past.

Moving forward we will be using this email list to share important information with you on actions you can take to help restore our Constitution and democracy to our nation.

The MOST important thing you can do right now is encourage all of your friends and family (regardless of where they live) to register to vote and vote in the upcoming primaries and general election in November. And make sure you are registered to vote and that you cast your ballot in these so very important elections. This is the best way that you can make your voice heard.

You can also continue to write, text, fax, email your Members of Congress and let them know how you feel about specific issues. One way of doing this is to text the word RESIST to the number 50409.


LWV – Wildlife Management and Coyote Politics @ Yavapai College Sewdona, room 34
Dec 3 @ 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Political Film Club – “Reversing Roe” @ Call for location
Dec 12 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Join Us!!!

Political Film Club. “Reversing Roe – How abortion became political.”

Yavapai Dems in Cottonwood Holiday Party – Food and Fun!!! @ Red Rooster
Dec 18 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm


Let’s take a little break and celebrate the Holidays
and the Blue Wave which is cleansing our AZ shores
in the New Year!

Please bring finger foods, snacks, or cookies.

There will be entertainment!!!!

Red Rooster
901 Main St. Cottonwood

Celebrate from 4:00 to 6:00

DORR Monthly Breakfast – Adrian Fontes and Stacey Champion @ Olde Sedona Bar and Grill
Dec 20 @ 5:10 pm


Katie Hobbs extends her sincere apologies, but has had to cancel her appearance at our upcoming breakfast.  She is working with her team to be ready to go on day one of her new position as Secretary of State.  Our new speaker will be Adrian Fontes.
DORR Breakfast
Adrian Fontes
Maricopa County Recorder
Stacey Champion
Citizen Activitist
Thursday, December 20, 8 am
Olde Sedona Family Restaurant
1405 West Highway 89A, Sedona Arizona
Admission is $15 and includes a lavish buffet.
All are welcome.  Pay at the door. 
  We have exciting two speakers this month
Adrian Fontes
Maricopa County Recorder
Adrian Fontes is a native Arizonan, a US Marine Corps veteran, a graduate of ASU and holds a JD from the University of Denver.  After law school, he worked for the offices of the Denver DA, the Maricopa County Attorney and the Arizona AG.  After a number of years in private practice Mr Fontes was elected in 2016 to the position of Maricopa County Recorder.  His primary duties in this office include keeping public records and administering elections.
Stacey Champion
Citizen Activist
Stacey has been leading a citizen revolt to force a review of last year’s APS rate hike allowed by the Corporation Commission.  Stacey, a small business owner of a public relations and consulting firm, began this fight with a petition on  She will discuss with us the status of her efforts to date.
See our website for links to articles about these topics.

January 17 Breakfast – We will be hosting two retired political science professors to discuss the upcoming AZ legislative session

Harriet Young – President of Flagstaff branch of American Association of University Women and Vice Chair Coconino County Democratic Party
Anne Schneider – Policy Coordinator of Unitarian Universalist Justice Arizona (UUJAZ) and author of a weekly legislative update on social justice and education issues.

Sunday January 27 DORR Annual Meeting.

4 – 7 PM St Andrews Episcopal Church, 100 Arroyo Piñon Drive, Sedona.  Potluck meal.  Sign up sheets for food will be at the Breakfasts on Dec 20 and Jan 17th or email Jan Graham at [email protected]  The list of speakers is being confirmed.
Join us for breakfast and learn about the critical issues affecting our world.
Visit DORR’s website at for more info!
Democrats of the Red Rocks
P.O. Box 1165  Sedona AZ 86339   928-212-1357
Political book Club – “Evicted Poverty and Profit in the American City” @ Call for location
Dec 22 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Join Us!!!

Political Book Club. “Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City” by Matthew Desmond.”

Sign Making Party – #WOMENS WAVE March @ Cottonwood Library
Jan 5 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Sign Making Party

Get ready to March by attending a sign making party in Cottonwood.

Bring markers, scissors, magazine photos, and other materials to use and share.

Sign boards will be available or bring your own.

Cottonwood Library -100 S 6th Street
Saturday, January 5
RSVP for info: Beverly- [email protected]

Farewell Party for Kris Kazian @ El Portal
Jan 10 @ 5:00 pm

Join us

We’re celebrating and saying goodbye to our fantastic Sedona Fire Department Chief, Kris Kazian.

El Portal in Tlaquepaque, Sedona

Women’s Voices in Action @ across from Mary Fisher Theatre
Jan 11 all-day
Sign Making Party for #WOMENS WAVE March @ Mary's house
Jan 15 @ 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Sign Making Parties

Get ready to March by attending this sign making party in West Sedona.

Bring markers, scissors, magazine photos, and other materials to use and share. Some sign board will be available or bring your own.

Sedona West– Tuesday, January 15 at Mary’s house
Time: 1:30 – 4:30pm
RSVP for location: Mary- [email protected]

Cottonwood Dems Meeting – Kelly Fryer @ Red Rooster Cafe
Jan 15 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Join us and meet our Guest Kelly Fryer.


Sign Making Party for #WOMENS WAVE March @ Polly's house
Jan 16 @ 11:00 am – 3:30 pm

Sign Making Party!!!

Get ready to March by attending this sign making party in the Brewer Road – Sedona area.
Bring markers, scissors, magazine photos, and other materials to use and share. Sign board will be available or bring your own.

Brewer Road, SedonaWednesday, January 16 at Polly’s house
Time: 11-3:30pm
RSVP for location: Polly- [email protected] or 970.531.8566

DORR Monthly Breakfast @ Olde Sedona Bar and Grill
Jan 17 @ 8:00 am – 10:00 am


Join us as we host two retired political science professors to discuss the upcoming AZ legislative session

Harriet Young
Retired professor of NAU’s Political Science Department, Harriet is a dedicated activist within her community. She currently serves as the Flagstaff Team Chair for Speak Out Arizona, the Vice President of Coconino County’s Democratic Party, the President of the Flagstaff branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW), and the Vice President of Programming for the statewide Arizona AAUW.

Anne Schneider
Retired professor and former Dean at ASU. Her specialty is public policy. She is the author of several books and has taught and conducted research on state politics, governance, and public policy. She is a member of the Valley Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Chandler, AZ and is the Policy Coordinator of Unitarian Universalist Justice Arizona. She authors the excellent AZ Legislative Alert available through (

NOTE PLEASE – it’s time to join or renew membership for Democrats of the Red Rocks. Help us keep our momentum going as we head to 2020!! Forms will be available at the meeting ($25 Individual or $40 family) – please bring check or cash. You may also join/ renew online by going to our website below and clicking on “JOIN” tab. The site will accept card cards.

Democrats of the Red Rocks sponsors
Third Thursday monthly breakfasts
featuring informative speakers and a lavish buffet breakfast.
$15 entry fee at the door.
Open to the public.

El Rojo Grande – Important Meeting
Jan 17 @ 9:00 am

More details to come.

Dear Friends, The last day for letters is Monday, January 7th. We are asking everyone to speak out on the rezoning issue. All the details can be found on the website – thank you all for your support!

KSB presents a public update with a question-and-answer session. Thursday, January 10, 4-5:30 PM, Sedona Public Library. Please try to attend, and learn more.

The January 17th meet with the Yavapai County is extremely important, and we’d like to see friends, bringing friends – younger, older and all in between. Wear RED.

The website is thriving! The FACTS tab keeps growing, the HOME page has a few editorials written by me of important issues I hope matter.

We have a robust Face Book page, called Save El Rojo Grande Ranch and its packed with good info and many friends sharing our artwork, photos and letters of opposition to this zoning change.

I am an environmentalist – so that is my stand- please save this important and rare Riparian Corridor from destruction.

Here is a good link to a page of videos for you all to get to know the folks behind our efforts. Please enjoy….and write your letters this weekend. If you wish to write a second letter – called it supplemental…

Best regards and thank you! Karin

Women’s March Sedona @ National Bank of Arizona
Jan 19 @ 1:00 pm

Ready to March!!!!

Women’s March Sedona

Saturday, January 19

1:00 pm
National Bank of Arizona,
1470 89A
(adjacent to Whole Foods)
in West Sedona.

We will march on the North side of 89A
ending with a
at Vino Di Sedona, 2575 89A.

You will find parking available in the surrounding areas.

Shuttles will be available from the rally at Vino Di Sedona back to the
National Bank of AZ

If you need a ride or can give a ride
Meet at the Cottonwood Library at noon

Remember to bring a water bottle and
take the weather into account.

“Women’s Rights are Human Rights and Human Rights are are Women’s Rights”.

Join Us!!!

[email protected]
Facebook: Women’s March Sedona

Martin Luther King Day March- Camp Verde @ Camp Verderecreation Hall
Jan 21 @ 11:00 am

March on Dr. Martin King Day in Camp Verde

January 21, 2019

Camp Verde Recreation Hall, Camp Verde



Request to Speak @ DORR Office
Jan 24 @ 1:00 pm

Join us for training on Request to Speak with Cathy Rutherford.Request to Speak System Training
Thursday Jan 24, 1 PM

We all want to know what more we can do in these times of uncertainty and worry. Here is something you can to do make a change at the state level!! We need to let our state legislatures know that we are watching and that we care about the decisions they are making!!

Weigh in on bills from the comfort of your couch! Arizona’s Request to Speak (RTS) is an online tool that lets everyday citizens give Arizona state lawmakers our feedback on bills. It’s an easy way to get involved in state politics, stay informed on the bills that directly affect us, and make sure our elected officials honor the wishes of us, their constituents.

Cathy Rutherford will be doing a Request to Speak (“RTS”) training at the DORR Office (information below).

In order to actually use the RST system the day of the training, you will need to sign up online on the Civic Engagement Beyond Voting website at: If you have already signed up, you will need to know your password.

On the same website you can also sign up for the weekly newsletter which gives information about upcoming legislation along with recommendations about the response to be input on RTS.

What: Request to Speak Training
When: Thursday, January 24, 2019 1:00 pm-3:00 pm (Possibly shorter)
Where: DORR Office, 1385 W. 89A #2
Bring: If you have a laptop or pad, please bring it. If you do not, still come.

Please RSVP at [email protected]. Feel free to call Cathy at 928-220-5391 if you have questions.

You can make a change in what is happening! Get involved!

As Joan Baez said, “Action is the antidote to despair.”

Learn about the critical issues affecting our world.
Visit DORR’s website at for more info!

Democrats of the Red Rocks
P.O. Box 1165 Sedona AZ 86339 928-212-1357

No AZ Environmental Conference
Jan 26 @ 9:00 am
LWV – “Independence Corrupted: How America’s Judges Make Their Decisions” @ Gail Digate
Jan 26 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Dear League Members and Friends,
If you’re making a 2019 resolution to learn more about the issues, people and politics of our country, the League of Women Voters Greater Verde Valley Book Club might be a great way to start. The only requirement is that you read the book! Discussions take place the last Saturday of each month, 1-3PM, at a member’s home. Everyone gets to comment on the book and then we move into general discussion of themes, issues, etc. Contact Barbara Litrell, LWV Book Club Coordinator, if you have questions or want to be added to the Book Club email list.

Independence Corrupted: How America’s Judges Make Their Decisions” (180 pages)
by Charles Benjamin Schudson – Sedona resident.

Judge Schudson will join us for our discussion.

At Gail Digate’s, 201 Chapel Rd off Hwy 179, 1-3PM.

DORR Annual Meeting @ St. Andrews Episcopal Church
Jan 27 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Join Us!!!
Join us for our annual meeting at St. Andrews Church on Sunday, January 27. This is a potluck event- bring a dish to share! Meet up with Democratic activists from Yavapai and Coconino counties and the Arizona Democratic Party and get fired up for a BLUE Arizona in 2020.

Scheduled speakers include:

Katie Hobbs, Secretary of State

Felicia French, 2016 house candidate AND 2020 Senate candidate for LD 6.

Deedra Abboud political activist and 2016 candidate who traveled the whole state in 2016 speaking to everyone.

Felecia Rotellini, Chairman of the Arizona Democratic Party

Check our website for more details!


January 14, 2019

Contact: Kathy Kinsella 917-846-3827

Democrats of the Red Rocks
To Hold Annual Membership Meeting
Sunday, January 27, at 4PM
With special guest speakers:
Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (Keynote)
Deedra Abboud, former U.S. Senate Candidate
Felicia French, former candidate for the AZ Legislature, District 6
Felicia Rotellini, Chair of the AZ Democratic Party

The Democrats of the Red Rocks will hold its annual meeting and board elections on Sunday, January 27, 2019 from 4 pm to 6:30 pm at St. Andrews Episcopal Church Meeting Hall, 100 Arroyo Pinion, Sedona, AZ. The evening’s keynote speaker will be Arizona’s new Secretary of State Katie Hobbs.

The Secretary of State serves as the chief election officer in the state of Arizona, which includes oversight of campaign finance for statewide and legislative candidates, verifying initiatives and referenda for the ballot, and certifying the official results of each election. The office-holder is also first in line to ascend to governor, since Arizona does not have a lieutenant governor. Four of the nine preceding governors in Arizona have moved to that office while serving as secretary of state due to a vacancy.

Secretary of State Hobbs (D) was declared the winner of the November 2018 election by a 50.4% to 49.6 % victory in that race. The office has previously been held by a Republican since 1995.

Additional speakers on the program will include Deedra Abboud, former U.S. Senate Candidate;
Felicia French, former candidate for the AZ Legislature, District 6; and Felicia Rotellini, Chair of the AZ Democratic Party.

The meeting is a potluck event, open to all, however the business portion of voting for the organization’s board will be limited to actual organization members. There is no fee to attend the event, but members must be current on their dues (renewals will be accepted at the meeting) to vote.

DORR is an all-volunteer Democratic Club for Sedona, the Village of Oak Creek, the Verde Valley, and surrounding communities, that welcomes all independent-minded community members. The DORR office is located at 1385 Route 89A (next to Olde Sedona Restaurant.) For more information, please call 928-212-1357 or visit:


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LWV – Dream Act, DACA and the Future of the Immigrants Rights Movement @ Yavapai College, Sedona
Jan 28 @ 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm


Dream Act, DACA and the Future of the Immigrants Right Movement

Voter Education Program: A Dreamer’s Story and Why Americans Need Immigration Reform.

Our distinguished speaker will be Daniel Rodriguez JD, Attorney and the first dreamer to pass the Arizona bar.

Kathy Kinsella
[email protected]

Solar Energy Savings and APS Rate Structure @ Cottonwood Library
Feb 2 @ 12:30 pm

Join us and hear local energy expert Morgan Stine discuss the benefits of solar energy and get some answers to important questions regarding utilities:

Why is my utility bill increasing?
How can we save?
What is the role of APS?

We hope to see you on February 2.

Philosophy and Politics – Land ethics and Moral Standing @ Yavapai College
Feb 6 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Philosophy and Politics. Our topic will be “Land Ethics and Moral Standing,” with speaker Kent Baldner, PhD, Western Michigan University.


February 6 – Land Ethics and Moral Standing – Kent Baldner, PhD.

Kathy Kinsella
[email protected]


Eva Putzova Event cancelled
Feb 17 all-day

The Eva Putzova event is cancelled.

The new event is February 24.

@ AZ State Capital
Feb 20 @ 8:45 am – 3:00 pm

Wednesday, February 20, 2019 from 8:45 AM to 3:00 PM MST
Add to Calendar

AZ State Capitol, Historic Supreme Court Chamber
1700 W. Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007


Legislative Day at the State Capitol!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Register for:

Legislative Day at the State Capitol!
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

8:45 am to 3:00 pm

*Visit the State Capitol and the historic Supreme Court Chamber.
*Interact with invited legislators and
other speakers to hear their take on issues.
Visits with legislators, scheduled beforehand
Some appointments with legislators may need to be scheduled earlier than the formal start time, in order for the legislator to be available.
8:45   Coffee and Sign-in; legislators invited to mingle.


9:45   Welcome: Old Supreme Ct.  & Old Senate 
   Program #1:  Invited Speakers, including legislators
11:00  Program #2:  Invited Speakers
12:00  Box Lunch (if ordered); or bring brown bag
    Pick up in the old Supreme Court Chamber
1:15 (ish)   Opening of the Legislative  Session 
Be on the floor, where League will be officially recognized (as being present) by a legislator.

2:00 or as late as 2:30  (depends on length of above)

Meet to debrief
Bonnie Boyce-Wilson
League of Women Voters of Arizona


Cancelled – DORR Meeting @ Olde Sedona
Feb 21 @ 8:00 am

DORR Breakfast

The Future of River and Ground Water in Northern AZ

Thursday, February 21, 8 am
Olde Sedona Family Restaurant

1405 West Highway 89A, Sedona Arizona
Admission is $15 and includes a lavish buffet.
All are welcome. Pay at the door.

Join us for a discussion on the future of river and ground water in Northern Arizona and learn what you can do to become involved in developing a sustainable future. Our speakers this month are

Denielle Perry

Water resources geographer and Asst. Prof. at NAU in the School of Earth and Sustainability. Her research focuses on the social, political and ecological implications of water conservation policy, including topics of sustainability and the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.

Nancy Steele

Executive Director Friends of the Verde River. She holds a doctorate in Env. Sci. and Eng. from UCLA and over 25 years experience in environmental management and research. Friends of the Verde River works collaboratively to restore habitat, sustain flows and promote community stewardship to support a healthy river system.

Brenda Hauser

Former mayor of Camp Verde and current board member of the Verde Natural Resources Conservation District working with AZ land Federal Agencies on water and soil conservation issues. Also as a retired co-owner Hauser Family Farms she has direct personal experience in water and land use issues.

Felicia French

Candidate for AZ Legislature in 2020. She is a retired Army Colonel, medical evacuation helicopter pilot and Registered Nurse with 32 years of service. She also holds a masters in Sustainability from ASU and is an instructor in sustainability at Maricopa Comm. College.

Immigration, Asylum, & Family Separation @ Coconino Center for the Performing Arts
Feb 21 @ 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm
LWV – “Becoming” by Michelle Obama @ Gail Digate
Feb 23 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Dear League Members an Friends,
If you’re interested in learning more about the issues, people and politics of our country, the League of Women Voters Greater Verde Valley Book Club might be a great way to start. The only requirement is that you read the book! Discussions take place the last Saturday of each month, 1-3PM, at a member’s home. Everyone gets to comment on the book and then we move into general discussion of themes, issues, etc. Contact Barbara Litrell, LWV Book Club Coordinator, if you have questions or want to be added to the Book Club email list.

“Becoming” by Michelle Obama (448 pgs)At Gail Digate’s, 201 Chapel Rd off Hwy 179, 1-3PM

Meet Eva Putzova – for Congress 2020 @ Frankie's house
Feb 24 @ 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Join us!


Frankie is having a meet and greet at her house on February 17 from 2pm-4pm for Eva Putzova who is running for CD1 against Tom O’Halleran. Might be interesting to meet her and see where she stands on the issues. Hope to see you at Frankie’s house.

The fundraisers is to meet and support a progressive candidate for Congress, Eve Putzova. Eva will champion Medicare for All, tuition free college, bold climate action, like the Green new deal, and Indigenous, women’s and worker’s rights. With her track record as the most progressive Flagstaff Councilmember she is the real deal. Thenks to her effort raising the local aminimum wage, Flagstaff workers -and not their bosses- will be receiving an additional $140 million dollars in their pockets. She has the courage, energy, and persistence needed to challenge the unbridled corporate power and put people first.

Sunday, February 17: 2pm to 4pm

80 Cathedral Lane, Sedona, AZ 86336

Hosted by: Frances Riemer & Mik Jordahl

Please RSVP at [email protected]

Paid for by Eva Putzova for Congress