Democratic Perspectives – Mondays at 8:15am @ KAZM Radio 780
Mar 20 @ 8:15 pm – 9:00 pm


Democratic Perspective is broadcast live on KAZM 780 AM in Sedona Arizona Monday morning 8:15-9:00 AM. D.P. brings a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public.

On April 3 we welcome Mike Fogel, chairman of the Yavapai Democratic Party. Mike is  a former teacher and current school board member in Chino Valley.

On April 10, we welcome Llama from the Verde Valley Democrats. Llama is the field organizer par excellence and works with he Democrats of the Red Rocks, the Verde Valley Democrats, and is also a vice president and precinct leader for the Yavapai County Party.

Democratic Perspective is brought to you by the Verde Valley Independent Democrats, a working group founded in 2011 to bring a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public. We’ll examine issues and ideas from different perspectives that challenge the prevailing political wisdom of both parties. Democratic Perspective can be heard at 8:15 a.m. every Monday morning on AM780 KAZM and is based in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. The show is co-hosted by Hava Derby, Gary LaMaster, Stephen Williamson with frequent guest hosts.

Democratic Perspectives Podcasts:

Oak Creek Clean Up – Postponed
Mar 23 @ 8:30 am


Oak Creek Clean-up
Join fellow DORR members to pick up litter around Sunset Park and Carrol Canyon in West Sedona. The Oak Creek Watershed Council will provide gear. Meet at Sunset Park at 8:30am. If you want to join fellow DORR members for lunch afterwards, contact Margaret Connery at

Prescott Indivisible -Steering Committee Meeting
Mar 23 @ 5:00 pm
PI Steering Committee Meeting
Thursday, March 23
Description:Meeting at 5PM. All members are welcome to join.
Please contact us at for info
Rimrock Democrats @ Email or call for location
Mar 24 all-day

Rimrock Democrats

Discussion on the State of the Legislature and How to Turn AZ Blue in ’24 at a private home in Rimrock. RSVP to Laura Masters, Yavapai County Democratic Party, Events Chair. 602-684-1054 or and location will be provided.

CEBV Happy Hour – Zoom @ Zoom
Mar 26 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Civic Engagement Beyond Voting Happy Hour  at 4 pm!
(Register HERE)                                                                                                                               Civic Engagement Beyond Voting, CEBV, is an Indivisible group which as a grassroots nonpartisan organization works to empower Arizona’s citizens to exercise their voices at the state level.
Learn about  Request to Speak (RTS) system, an online tool that lets everyday citizens give Arizona state lawmakers our feedback on bills.
LWVNAZ- Political Book Club and Let’s Talk Politics @ Political Book Club
Mar 27 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm


PBC – The book for March 27th is Twilight of Democracy: The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism by Anne Applebaum (June 2021, 224 pages) The Pulitzer Prize winning historian explains, with electrifying clarity, why elites in democracies around the world are turning toward nationalism and authoritarianism. Applebaum contends that political systems with radically simple beliefs are inherently appealing, especially when they benefit the loyal to the exclusion of everyone else.

The only requirement to join the book club discussion is that each participant has read the book. The standard format consists of each person giving a brief (1-2 minute) statement concerning the books overall impressions and implications. This segment is followed by group questions and discussions of the material. If you would like to join the book club, or want to submit the title of books you are interested in reading and discussing, or if you would like any other information about the book club, please contact


At 4:15 pm, those who have not read the book can join the group to share thoughts, concerns, insights, and predilections about current political and societal events. As one member stated, we can talk about “those issues which keep you awake at night”. Everyone has a chance to speak, while we all listen. Topics for discussion usually evolve from the group concerns. Whatever your political persuasion, you are welcome to join this accepting and respectful group.

To join the Zoom meeting, click here and use passcode 220148. You will need to be admitted by the host.


LWVNAZ – Let’s talk Politics @ Zoom
Mar 27 @ 4:15 pm – 5:00 pm


Following the Book club from 3-4:15pm, those who have not read the book club book can join the group to share thoughts, concerns, insights, and predilections about current political and societal events. As one member stated, we can talk about “those issues which keep you awake at night”. Everyone has a chance to speak, while we all listen. Topics for discussion usually evolve from the group concerns. Whatever your political persuasion, you are welcome to join this accepting and respectful group.

To join the Zoom meeting, click here and use passcode 220148. You will need to be admitted by the host.

Democratic Perspectives – Mondays at 8:15am @ KAZM Radio 780
Mar 27 @ 8:15 pm – 9:00 pm


Democratic Perspective is broadcast live on KAZM 780 AM in Sedona Arizona Monday morning 8:15-9:00 AM. D.P. brings a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public.

On April 3 we welcome Mike Fogel, chairman of the Yavapai Democratic Party. Mike is  a former teacher and current school board member in Chino Valley.

On April 10, we welcome Llama from the Verde Valley Democrats. Llama is the field organizer par excellence and works with he Democrats of the Red Rocks, the Verde Valley Democrats, and is also a vice president and precinct leader for the Yavapai County Party.

Democratic Perspective is brought to you by the Verde Valley Independent Democrats, a working group founded in 2011 to bring a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public. We’ll examine issues and ideas from different perspectives that challenge the prevailing political wisdom of both parties. Democratic Perspective can be heard at 8:15 a.m. every Monday morning on AM780 KAZM and is based in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. The show is co-hosted by Hava Derby, Gary LaMaster, Stephen Williamson with frequent guest hosts.

Democratic Perspectives Podcasts:

Putt Putt For the Party – Yavapai County Democrats @ Contact for info
Apr 1 @ 11:00 am – 5:00 pm

Putt Putt For The Party

Multiple times available!

About this event

Come out swinging! Mini golf in a controlled, all winners environment to benefit our YavDems. Prizes, hilarity, and a catered lunch by Plateros Roadrunner Grill. $120/foursomes. $35/singles. $0/supervised kids under 12 (although they could be given away as prizes). Hurry-purchase tickets at ACTBLUE! 11-5 pm Catered meal and a photo included in your golf ticket.

Carpool with your foursome – or round up some solo duffers –for an afternoon of laughs and nature at the beautifully scenic Deborah Gardens in Clarkdale.

Buy your tickets at ACTBLUE and sign up for a time here. Remember this is the spring YAVDEM fundraiser and we need your help!

Join the Yavapai Democratic Party in Clarkdale for our annual spring fundraiser Saturday, April 1st from 11-5 pm. Now featuring our special guest speaker: ADP Chair, Yolanda Bejarano!

The day will be filled with laughter and sunshine so please attend! You won’t want to miss it!Special thanks to our sponsors: 5enses & The Ledbetter Law Firm

Arizona Democratic Party Chair Yolanda Bajarano

No joke! We’re not foolin’ around here. Yolanda Bejarano, newly elected Chair of the Arizona Democratic Party, is hopping up to Yavapai County Democrat’s Spring Fundraiser in Clarkdale on April 1st. No, really! One of the most accomplished and enthusiastic organizers in the country is gonna share her tactics and strategies for strengthening rural counties with us ‘cuz we’re known for making a difference. Don’t’cha wanna learn how to enlarge our Yavapai Democrat margins and voices in the next elections? Putt-Putt on April Fool’s Day for laughs and prizes, eat yummy food, hang out with great peeps, and get a bonus visit from the head of the party in AZ right here in lovely little Clarkdale.




Apr 1 @ 10:00 pm – 11:30 pm

Join us on Saturday, April 1st as the “Back Off Our Benefits” bus stops in Rep. Schweikert’s district in Phoenix, AZ. Courage for America, Honest Arizona, Indivisible Arizona, and Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans will be hosting an event with AZ-01 constituents and community leaders to demand that Schweikert back off benefits that our seniors, veterans, and working families rely on!
If you’re an AZ-01 constituent or are in the area, we encourage you to attend and support this important event.
We also kindly ask that you sign our national petition to put pressure on Speaker McCarthy and the House Majority to do the right thing!
CEBV Happy Hour – Zoom @ Zoom
Apr 2 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Civic Engagement Beyond Voting Happy Hour  at 4 pm!
(Register HERE)                                                                                                                               Civic Engagement Beyond Voting, CEBV, is an Indivisible group which as a grassroots nonpartisan organization works to empower Arizona’s citizens to exercise their voices at the state level.
Learn about  Request to Speak (RTS) system, an online tool that lets everyday citizens give Arizona state lawmakers our feedback on bills.
Democratic Perspectives – Mondays at 8:15am @ KAZM Radio 780
Apr 3 @ 8:15 pm – 9:00 pm


Democratic Perspective is broadcast live on KAZM 780 AM in Sedona Arizona Monday morning 8:15-9:00 AM. D.P. brings a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public.

On April 3 we welcome Mike Fogel, chairman of the Yavapai Democratic Party. Mike is  a former teacher and current school board member in Chino Valley.

On April 10, we welcome Llama from the Verde Valley Democrats. Llama is the field organizer par excellence and works with he Democrats of the Red Rocks, the Verde Valley Democrats, and is also a vice president and precinct leader for the Yavapai County Party.

Democratic Perspective is brought to you by the Verde Valley Independent Democrats, a working group founded in 2011 to bring a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public. We’ll examine issues and ideas from different perspectives that challenge the prevailing political wisdom of both parties. Democratic Perspective can be heard at 8:15 a.m. every Monday morning on AM780 KAZM and is based in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. The show is co-hosted by Hava Derby, Gary LaMaster, Stephen Williamson with frequent guest hosts.

Democratic Perspectives Podcasts:

Verde Valley Yavapai Dems – Monthly Meeting @ Old Town Red Rooster Cafe
Apr 6 @ 4:30 pm

Verde Valley Yavapai Dems

We will meet in person in Cottonwood.
5 p.m.:
Monthly meeting, Old Town Red Rooster Cafe (901 N. Main St., Cottonwood).
Arrive around 4:30 p.m. to order food and socialize. Guest speakers: John Duncan, Yavapai County Equity Chair, and Chris Hall, 2023 Pride Event Organizer. Submit questions in advance using this form.

All people who vote Democratic (no matter party affiliation) are welcome to attend.  We will have inspiring candidates and guest speakers to motivate us into taking action and  making AZ a strong, Democratic state.

For more information contact either:
Julie Fernatt
phone – ‭(317) 755-8890‬

Our agenda includes (time permitting) but is not limited to the following items:
1. Social time and dinner. Meet fellow Democrats and enjoy food and drink from the menu. Talk about what is on your mind and share ideas.
2. Introduction.
3. Discussion on current political developments: Arizona Primary results, GOTV, the impact of outlawing abortion, and the Jan 6 hearings. We might have a surprise guest speaker – it depends on the primary outcome.
4. Call to the Public. People will have 2 minutes to speak about whatever is on their mind. Cards will be collected before the meeting with their name, organization, and a brief summary of statement. The goal here is to give attendees a chance to engage more, get their questions answered and their voices heard.
5. Table Event. Hear from campaign committees and how you can volunteer.

All people who vote Democratic (no matter party affiliation) are welcome to attend.

Prescott Indivisible – General Meeting @ Zoom
Apr 6 @ 5:30 pm

General Meeting:

 Patrick Grady and Dr. Greg Murray, of YCCC and the PROTECT campaign, will present an overview of the Quad Cities Climate Profile and the Local Climate Actions reports, both released in February. These reports can be viewed  on the Quad Cities Climate Action Hub. Granite Peak Unitarian, 882 Sunset Ave., Prescott. (Not Democratic Party sponsored.)

Prescott Area Shelter Tea
Apr 7 @ 9:11 pm – 10:11 pm
Spring Carnival @ Posse Grounds Park
Apr 8 @ 9:00 am – 1:00 pm


Saturday, April 8, 2023
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Posse Grounds Park
525 Posse Ground Road
Sedona, AZ 86336
Only ADA service dogs are welcome at this event.

The City of Sedona is hosting its 13th Annual Celebration of Spring. Part carnival, part egg hunt, 100% fun and all in Celebration of Spring!


Access to the carnival area and the rides require purchase of a $5 pass for everyone over 2 years of age. The pass is good from 9 am until 1 pm and includes unlimited access to the rides, a petting zoo, food vendors, and other offerings.
Ride lines close at 12:45 pm.

PAYMENT: Although passes will be available for sale at the event entrance, they will be CASH ONLY. Please no large bills.
To purchase by credit or debit card, buy on-line starting at 7 am on March 1st through 6 pm on April 5th.

Buy Celebration of Spring CARNIVAL PASSES HERE.


The egg hunts are FREE and will be available for children 12 years of age and younger.
Children will be divided by age groups and there are over 22,000 eggs waiting to be found!
Remember, children will need to bring their own baskets.

Egg Hunt Schedule:

10:30 am – ages 9 to 12
11:00 am – ages 6 to 8
11:30 am – ages 3 to 5
12:00 pm – ages 0 to 2 (parents will only be allowed to search with age group 2 and under)

Remember to: • Bring an Easter basket or something to carry your eggs in.
• Be on time! We are always bummed finding out someone missed out.
• BRING CASH to purchase a carnival pass or to buy food, drinks or other fun offerings!


Arizona Pride Tour in Cottonwood – 2023 @ Clubhouse
Apr 8 @ 7:00 pm

Miss Nature, LLC is working with some of Arizona’s most talented entertainers. All shows will be 2 hours in length and will include alcohol for those who are over the age of 21 to drink Dry event. Tickets will go on sale 07/01/2022 at midnight.

Event is open to all ages as long as those under 18 are accompanied by a parent!

Our 2023 schedule is as follows:

Cottonwood – April 8th 2023 @7pm – Clubhouse 805 N. Main St.

Those who purchase tickets from 07/01/2022 -09/30/2022 will get VIP tickets. This includes a seat closer to the stage, and free photos with the cast after the show (meet and greet).

CAN Community Health will be providing free rapid HIV/AIDS testing to the communities that we are in. We thank them for their partnership in helping ensure Arizonan’s across this state are healthy and know their status. They assist in providing resources to those who may test positive and are a fabulous organization.

CEBV Happy Hour – Zoom @ Zoom
Apr 9 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Civic Engagement Beyond Voting Happy Hour  at 4 pm!
(Register HERE)                                                                                                                               Civic Engagement Beyond Voting, CEBV, is an Indivisible group which as a grassroots nonpartisan organization works to empower Arizona’s citizens to exercise their voices at the state level.
Learn about  Request to Speak (RTS) system, an online tool that lets everyday citizens give Arizona state lawmakers our feedback on bills.
Democratic Perspectives – Mondays at 8:15am @ KAZM Radio 780
Apr 10 @ 8:15 pm – 9:00 pm


Democratic Perspective is broadcast live on KAZM 780 AM in Sedona Arizona Monday morning 8:15-9:00 AM. D.P. brings a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public.

On April 3 we welcome Mike Fogel, chairman of the Yavapai Democratic Party. Mike is  a former teacher and current school board member in Chino Valley.

On April 10, we welcome Llama from the Verde Valley Democrats. Llama is the field organizer par excellence and works with he Democrats of the Red Rocks, the Verde Valley Democrats, and is also a vice president and precinct leader for the Yavapai County Party.

Democratic Perspective is brought to you by the Verde Valley Independent Democrats, a working group founded in 2011 to bring a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public. We’ll examine issues and ideas from different perspectives that challenge the prevailing political wisdom of both parties. Democratic Perspective can be heard at 8:15 a.m. every Monday morning on AM780 KAZM and is based in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. The show is co-hosted by Hava Derby, Gary LaMaster, Stephen Williamson with frequent guest hosts.

Democratic Perspectives Podcasts:

That Brewery Social- Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats @ That Brewery
Apr 11 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Join us on the 2nd Tuesday of each month

That Brewery
300 E Cherry St.,  Cottonwood

Apr 12 @ 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

“Housing Equity in Our Verde Valley Community” Camp Verde Public Library. Free and everyone is welcome.  (Not Democratic Party sponsored.)

LWVNAZ – Flagstaff @ Camp Verde Public Library
Apr 12 @ 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

League of Women Voters Meet

April 12, 2023

League of Women Voters of Northern Arizona
11:30 am – 1 pm “Housing Equity in Our Verde Valley Community” Camp Verde Public Library. Free and everyone is welcome.

DORR Film Club @ ZOOM
Apr 14 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Everything Everywhere All at Once

Streaming on Amazon Prime and Showtime

The film ran away with awards this year. In addition to Best Motion Picture, Everything Everywhere was also awarded Best Original Screenplay, Best Achievement in Directing, and Best Achievement in Film Editing. In addition, Michelle Yeoh was awarded Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role, Jamie Lee Curtis for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role, and Ke Huy Quan for Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role. The film, about multi-universes, the stresses and frustrations of post-modern life, and cosmic chaos, is “an exhuberant swirl of genre anarchy.” As A. O Scott writes in The New York Times, the movie is a “metaphysical multiverse galaxy-brain head trip, but deep down — and also right on the surface — it’s a bittersweet domestic drama, a marital comedy, a story of immigrant striving and a hurt-filled ballad of mother-daughter love”

Join us to talk politics, the multi-universes, timelines and possibilities. We’ll send a calendar invite to our zoom conversation a few days before our discussion on March 10. DORR’s political film club is hosted by DORR member Mik Jordahl (Attorney) and Board member Frankie Riemer (Professor).

To sign up, send an email to and ask for the Zoom invitation. If you signed up for any of our previous films, your name is already on our list for the invite.


Earth Day – Sign making @ Cottonwood Library
Apr 15 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
The Sign Making for Earth Day Event will be on April 15,
Cottonwood Library
10 am – noon
Contact Beverly Hedden
for information or to volunteer.


CEBV Happy Hour – Zoom @ Zoom
Apr 16 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Civic Engagement Beyond Voting Happy Hour  at 4 pm!
(Register HERE)                                                                                                                               Civic Engagement Beyond Voting, CEBV, is an Indivisible group which as a grassroots nonpartisan organization works to empower Arizona’s citizens to exercise their voices at the state level.
Learn about  Request to Speak (RTS) system, an online tool that lets everyday citizens give Arizona state lawmakers our feedback on bills.
Democratic Perspectives – Mondays at 8:15am @ KAZM Radio 780
Apr 17 @ 8:15 pm – 9:00 pm


Democratic Perspective is broadcast live on KAZM 780 AM in Sedona Arizona Monday morning 8:15-9:00 AM. D.P. brings a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public.

On April 3 we welcome Mike Fogel, chairman of the Yavapai Democratic Party. Mike is  a former teacher and current school board member in Chino Valley.

On April 10, we welcome Llama from the Verde Valley Democrats. Llama is the field organizer par excellence and works with he Democrats of the Red Rocks, the Verde Valley Democrats, and is also a vice president and precinct leader for the Yavapai County Party.

Democratic Perspective is brought to you by the Verde Valley Independent Democrats, a working group founded in 2011 to bring a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public. We’ll examine issues and ideas from different perspectives that challenge the prevailing political wisdom of both parties. Democratic Perspective can be heard at 8:15 a.m. every Monday morning on AM780 KAZM and is based in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. The show is co-hosted by Hava Derby, Gary LaMaster, Stephen Williamson with frequent guest hosts.

Democratic Perspectives Podcasts:

Yavapai County Democratic Party – Monthly Meeting @ Zoom meeting
Apr 20 @ 5:45 pm

We will be voting for a new Chair. Mike Fogel has stepped down and Vice Chair, Ray Frey, is taking his place until the election

We will hold a virtual County Committee meeting to accomplish this election on April 20, 2023, at 5:45 p.m.


Have a question? Need information on YCDP candidates, events, activities, programs, or positions?

Please feel free to contact us at any time.

Or come by our Headquarters.

1555 Iron Springs Road, Suite 1

Prescott, AZ 86305



DORR Breakfast – Hybrid @ Senior Center and Zoom
Apr 21 @ 9:30 am – 11:30 am

DORR Educational Breakfast Hybrid –
September 15, 9:30-11am 
Sedona Community Center, Melody Lane or on Zoom

The importance of language in political messaging cannot be overstated. In politics, every word counts. A successful campaign can hinge on the artful construction of messages that resonate with voters. Political language is more than slogans; it can bridge the gap between political ideals and public perception. Note the regrettably misunderstood term “Defund the police.”

It behooves all of us to be conscious of the language we’re using and how it will be construed, when talking to others or writing Letters to the Editor. This program will help us fine tune our political messaging to make it most effective.

Our 3 speakers are with a non-profit called Words That W!N dedicated to teaching and promoting strategic messaging to win hearts, minds, and votes. WTW is an all-volunteer group, passionate about good messaging.

If you haven’t already, please check out DORR’s latest issue of Keeping Posted, exclusively devoted to messaging.

Ali Feldman
Ali Feldman was a speech language pathologist for almost twenty years and then she transitioned into political work involving advocacy, elections, organizing, and communications. Ali currently works for a progressive communications hub in Pennsylvania.

Lisa Wagner
Lisa Wagner is a retired palliative care nurse practitioner who has worked in oncology, neurosurgery, and home hospice. She became more politically engaged after retirement and the 2016 election.

Melissa Knutson
Melissa Knutson is a communications professional with over 20 years experience at a large non-profit organization. She spent her twenties touring Europe as a singer in a rock, folk, pop band and is now devoted to getting progressives to sing from the same playbook.


Come Join Us In Person or On Zoom

To help our members keep informed about important issues, we are are now running our monthly breakfast meetings both in person AND Zoom.

9:30 am on Friday, XXX
The Sedona Community Center
2615 Melody Lane in West Sedona
Coffee, tea and light refreshments

$10 donation per person
Breakfast Zoom Link
ZOOM Details

Topic: DORR Breakfast

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 895 6963 5520
Passcode: 288900

Dial by your location
+1 669 444 9171 USnbsp;

Earth Day Event @ Meet at Safeway in Cottonwood
Apr 22 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm


 Earth Day March will be on April 22,
Noon – 2 PM,
89A – 260 (Food City/Safeway – Dunkin’ Donuts), with Marchers lining both sides of the street.

The Sign Making for Earth Day Event will be on April 15,
Cottonwood Library
10 am – noon
Contact Beverly Hedden
for information or to volunteer.


Jazz It Up – Prescott Area Shelter Services @ Prescott Area Shelter Services
Apr 22 @ 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm

PASS provides temporary, emergency shelter to women and women with children. Since opening in 2009, PASS has served over 3000 women and children, and through PASS’s economic assistance programs, over 81% of their shelter guests were able to transition into permanent housing. The service PASS provides to those most in need in our community is critical, and the outcomes speak for themselves. Please help us support PASS by purchasing your raffle tickets today.

The deadline for purchase is 5:00 p.m. on April 8, 2023 and the drawing will be on April 9, 2023.

Thank you for your generosity,


CEBV Happy Hour – Zoom @ Zoom
Apr 23 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Civic Engagement Beyond Voting Happy Hour  at 4 pm!
(Register HERE)                                                                                                                               Civic Engagement Beyond Voting, CEBV, is an Indivisible group which as a grassroots nonpartisan organization works to empower Arizona’s citizens to exercise their voices at the state level.
Learn about  Request to Speak (RTS) system, an online tool that lets everyday citizens give Arizona state lawmakers our feedback on bills.
LWVNAZ- Political Book Club and Let’s Talk Politics @ Political Book Club
Apr 24 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm


PBC – The book for March 27th is Twilight of Democracy: The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism by Anne Applebaum (June 2021, 224 pages) The Pulitzer Prize winning historian explains, with electrifying clarity, why elites in democracies around the world are turning toward nationalism and authoritarianism. Applebaum contends that political systems with radically simple beliefs are inherently appealing, especially when they benefit the loyal to the exclusion of everyone else.

The only requirement to join the book club discussion is that each participant has read the book. The standard format consists of each person giving a brief (1-2 minute) statement concerning the books overall impressions and implications. This segment is followed by group questions and discussions of the material. If you would like to join the book club, or want to submit the title of books you are interested in reading and discussing, or if you would like any other information about the book club, please contact


At 4:15 pm, those who have not read the book can join the group to share thoughts, concerns, insights, and predilections about current political and societal events. As one member stated, we can talk about “those issues which keep you awake at night”. Everyone has a chance to speak, while we all listen. Topics for discussion usually evolve from the group concerns. Whatever your political persuasion, you are welcome to join this accepting and respectful group.

To join the Zoom meeting, click here and use passcode 220148. You will need to be admitted by the host.


LWVNAZ – Let’s talk Politics @ Zoom
Apr 24 @ 4:15 pm – 5:00 pm


Following the Book club from 3-4:15pm, those who have not read the book club book can join the group to share thoughts, concerns, insights, and predilections about current political and societal events. As one member stated, we can talk about “those issues which keep you awake at night”. Everyone has a chance to speak, while we all listen. Topics for discussion usually evolve from the group concerns. Whatever your political persuasion, you are welcome to join this accepting and respectful group.

To join the Zoom meeting, click here and use passcode 220148. You will need to be admitted by the host.

Democratic Perspectives – Mondays at 8:15am @ KAZM Radio 780
Apr 24 @ 8:15 pm – 9:00 pm


Democratic Perspective is broadcast live on KAZM 780 AM in Sedona Arizona Monday morning 8:15-9:00 AM. D.P. brings a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public.

On April 3 we welcome Mike Fogel, chairman of the Yavapai Democratic Party. Mike is  a former teacher and current school board member in Chino Valley.

On April 10, we welcome Llama from the Verde Valley Democrats. Llama is the field organizer par excellence and works with he Democrats of the Red Rocks, the Verde Valley Democrats, and is also a vice president and precinct leader for the Yavapai County Party.

Democratic Perspective is brought to you by the Verde Valley Independent Democrats, a working group founded in 2011 to bring a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public. We’ll examine issues and ideas from different perspectives that challenge the prevailing political wisdom of both parties. Democratic Perspective can be heard at 8:15 a.m. every Monday morning on AM780 KAZM and is based in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. The show is co-hosted by Hava Derby, Gary LaMaster, Stephen Williamson with frequent guest hosts.

Democratic Perspectives Podcasts:

Democratic Women Prescott Area – DWPA @ Centennial Center
Apr 26 @ 11:30 am

DWPA Luncheons take place on the 4th Wed. of each month at the Centennial Center, 989 Wineglass Drive, Prescott.Meetings will start at noon, seating starts at 11:30am.

2023 Meeting Dates
April 26, 2023
May 24, 2023
June 28, 2023
July 26, 2023 December 2023 – TBD
August 23, 2023
September 27, 202
October 25, 2023
November 15, 2023 (This is the 3rd Wednesday due to Thanksgiving)
December 2023 – TBD


Gathering of the PAI 2023 – Yavapai Apache Nation @ Cliff Casino-Veteran's Memorial Park
Apr 28 @ 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Gathering of the Pan 2023 – Yavapai Apache Nation @ Cliff Castle Casino, Veteran's Memorial Park
Apr 29 @ 9:00 am – 7:00 pm
Democratic Perspectives – Mondays at 8:15am @ KAZM Radio 780
May 1 @ 8:15 pm – 9:00 pm


Democratic Perspective is broadcast live on KAZM 780 AM in Sedona Arizona Monday morning 8:15-9:00 AM. D.P. brings a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public.

On April 3 we welcome Mike Fogel, chairman of the Yavapai Democratic Party. Mike is  a former teacher and current school board member in Chino Valley.

On April 10, we welcome Llama from the Verde Valley Democrats. Llama is the field organizer par excellence and works with he Democrats of the Red Rocks, the Verde Valley Democrats, and is also a vice president and precinct leader for the Yavapai County Party.

Democratic Perspective is brought to you by the Verde Valley Independent Democrats, a working group founded in 2011 to bring a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public. We’ll examine issues and ideas from different perspectives that challenge the prevailing political wisdom of both parties. Democratic Perspective can be heard at 8:15 a.m. every Monday morning on AM780 KAZM and is based in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. The show is co-hosted by Hava Derby, Gary LaMaster, Stephen Williamson with frequent guest hosts.

Democratic Perspectives Podcasts:

Verde Valley Yavapai Dems – Monthly Meeting @ Old Town Red Rooster Cafe
May 4 @ 4:30 pm

Verde Valley Yavapai Dems

We will meet in person in Cottonwood.
5 p.m.:
Monthly meeting, Old Town Red Rooster Cafe (901 N. Main St., Cottonwood).
Arrive around 4:30 p.m. to order food and socialize. Guest speakers: John Duncan, Yavapai County Equity Chair, and Chris Hall, 2023 Pride Event Organizer. Submit questions in advance using this form.

All people who vote Democratic (no matter party affiliation) are welcome to attend.  We will have inspiring candidates and guest speakers to motivate us into taking action and  making AZ a strong, Democratic state.

For more information contact either:
Julie Fernatt
phone – ‭(317) 755-8890‬

Our agenda includes (time permitting) but is not limited to the following items:
1. Social time and dinner. Meet fellow Democrats and enjoy food and drink from the menu. Talk about what is on your mind and share ideas.
2. Introduction.
3. Discussion on current political developments: Arizona Primary results, GOTV, the impact of outlawing abortion, and the Jan 6 hearings. We might have a surprise guest speaker – it depends on the primary outcome.
4. Call to the Public. People will have 2 minutes to speak about whatever is on their mind. Cards will be collected before the meeting with their name, organization, and a brief summary of statement. The goal here is to give attendees a chance to engage more, get their questions answered and their voices heard.
5. Table Event. Hear from campaign committees and how you can volunteer.

All people who vote Democratic (no matter party affiliation) are welcome to attend.

Prescott Indivisible – General Meeting @ Zoom
May 4 @ 5:30 pm

General Meeting:

 Patrick Grady and Dr. Greg Murray, of YCCC and the PROTECT campaign, will present an overview of the Quad Cities Climate Profile and the Local Climate Actions reports, both released in February. These reports can be viewed  on the Quad Cities Climate Action Hub. Granite Peak Unitarian, 882 Sunset Ave., Prescott. (Not Democratic Party sponsored.)

DORR movie – “The Janes” @ Mary Fisher Theatre
May 5 @ 4:00 pm

DORR Film Showing at Mary D. Fisher Theater

Join your DORR friends for a showing of “The Janes”. “The Janes” is a documentary about a network of women who helped other women get abortions prior to Roe.

Purchase here:  Tickets

May 5th at 4pm
Mary Fisher Theater

The Janes offers first-hand accounts from the women at the center of the group, many speaking on the record for the first time, of how they defied the state legislature that outlawed abortion, the Catholic Church that condemned it, and the Chicago Mob that was profiting from it. In the pre-Roe v. Wade era—a time when abortion was a crime in most states and even circulating information about abortion was a felony in Illinois—

On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that legalized abortion in America. The ruling sparked outrage in a majority of the country. Six weeks after the SCOTUS decision, voters in Kansas rejected a constitutional amendment by 59-41% that would have denied the right to an abortion across that state. But that hasn’t discouraged many states from pushing ahead with various draconian anti-abortion laws that could lead millions of American women to return to the days of illegal and life-threatening non-medical abortions.

Until abortion became legal in 1973, dangerous abortion procedures were happening in cities through the country. But in Chicago, IL, a group of courageous young women risked their freedom trying to help women desperately seeking abortions. To shine a light on this issue that is in the news every day, the Democrats of the Red Rocks (DORR) Film Club is sponsoring the showing of The Janes at the Sedona International Film Festival’s Mary D. Fisher Theatre on Friday, May 5 at 4 pm. Tickets for this special event are $15 ($13 for SIFF members). There will be a panel discussion and Q & A session following the film featuring DORR Board and Film Club members.

The Janes is a 2022 American documentary film. It premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2022, four months before a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion for the abortion case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization led to protests by pro-choice advocates across the U.S., and two weeks before SCOTUS overturned Roe. The Janes tells the story of how in the spring of 1972, police raided an apartment on the South Side of Chicago where seven women who were part of a clandestine network were arrested. Using code names, fronts, and safe houses to protect themselves and their work, this group of unlikely outlaws risked their personal and professional lives to build an underground service for women seeking safe, affordable, illegal abortions. They called themselves “Jane.”

The Janes offers first-hand accounts from the women at the center of the group, many speaking on the record for the first time, of how they defied the state legislature that outlawed abortion, the Catholic Church that condemned it, and the Chicago Mob that was profiting from it. In the pre-Roe v. Wade era—a time when abortion was a crime in most states and even circulating information about abortion was a felony in Illinois—the Janes provided low-cost and free abortions to an estimated 11,000 women. Time Magazine called the film “essential viewing for a post-Roe America.” The Atlantic commented that “the lesson from The Janes is that, in the absence of justice and political power, there’s enormous potential for collective action.”

Click HERE to purchase tickets.


Democratic Perspectives – Mondays at 8:15am @ KAZM Radio 780
May 8 @ 8:15 pm – 9:00 pm


Democratic Perspective is broadcast live on KAZM 780 AM in Sedona Arizona Monday morning 8:15-9:00 AM. D.P. brings a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public.

On April 3 we welcome Mike Fogel, chairman of the Yavapai Democratic Party. Mike is  a former teacher and current school board member in Chino Valley.

On April 10, we welcome Llama from the Verde Valley Democrats. Llama is the field organizer par excellence and works with he Democrats of the Red Rocks, the Verde Valley Democrats, and is also a vice president and precinct leader for the Yavapai County Party.

Democratic Perspective is brought to you by the Verde Valley Independent Democrats, a working group founded in 2011 to bring a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public. We’ll examine issues and ideas from different perspectives that challenge the prevailing political wisdom of both parties. Democratic Perspective can be heard at 8:15 a.m. every Monday morning on AM780 KAZM and is based in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. The show is co-hosted by Hava Derby, Gary LaMaster, Stephen Williamson with frequent guest hosts.

Democratic Perspectives Podcasts:

That Brewery Social- Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats @ That Brewery
May 9 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Join us on the 2nd Tuesday of each month

That Brewery
300 E Cherry St.,  Cottonwood

@ Old town Center for the Arts
May 11 @ 7:00 pm

(Check the time on May 14 –  matinee at 3pm)

Hello Friends and Colleagues in the Verde Valley,

From May 11-14 Red Earth Theatre will be hosting two of my performances at the Old Town Center for the Arts in Cottonwood. “Democracy” a short outdoor rant about true democracy and “Fayettenam”, an indoor theater piece remixing the ancestral ghosts of Fayettnam’s Appalachian Mountains and the myths of manifest destiny.

These are pieces I am proud of and looking forward to share with the Verde Valley community. There are only 40 tickets per show and I suggest getting your tickets sooner rather than later, plus they cost $5 more at the door.

There will be Apple Pie!

Hope to see you there and please share info about the event.

Here is the ticket link

Read more about it at our Facebook event link and share link to promote


@ Old town Center for the Arts
May 12 @ 7:00 pm

(Check the time on May 14 –  matinee at 3pm)

Hello Friends and Colleagues in the Verde Valley,

From May 11-14 Red Earth Theatre will be hosting two of my performances at the Old Town Center for the Arts in Cottonwood. “Democracy” a short outdoor rant about true democracy and “Fayettenam”, an indoor theater piece remixing the ancestral ghosts of Fayettnam’s Appalachian Mountains and the myths of manifest destiny.

These are pieces I am proud of and looking forward to share with the Verde Valley community. There are only 40 tickets per show and I suggest getting your tickets sooner rather than later, plus they cost $5 more at the door.

There will be Apple Pie!

Hope to see you there and please share info about the event.

Here is the ticket link

Read more about it at our Facebook event link and share link to promote


@ Old town Center for the Arts
May 13 @ 7:00 pm

(Check the time on May 14 –  matinee at 3pm)

Hello Friends and Colleagues in the Verde Valley,

From May 11-14 Red Earth Theatre will be hosting two of my performances at the Old Town Center for the Arts in Cottonwood. “Democracy” a short outdoor rant about true democracy and “Fayettenam”, an indoor theater piece remixing the ancestral ghosts of Fayettnam’s Appalachian Mountains and the myths of manifest destiny.

These are pieces I am proud of and looking forward to share with the Verde Valley community. There are only 40 tickets per show and I suggest getting your tickets sooner rather than later, plus they cost $5 more at the door.

There will be Apple Pie!

Hope to see you there and please share info about the event.

Here is the ticket link

Read more about it at our Facebook event link and share link to promote


@ Old town Center for the Arts
May 14 @ 7:00 pm

(Check the time on May 14 –  matinee at 3pm)

Hello Friends and Colleagues in the Verde Valley,

From May 11-14 Red Earth Theatre will be hosting two of my performances at the Old Town Center for the Arts in Cottonwood. “Democracy” a short outdoor rant about true democracy and “Fayettenam”, an indoor theater piece remixing the ancestral ghosts of Fayettnam’s Appalachian Mountains and the myths of manifest destiny.

These are pieces I am proud of and looking forward to share with the Verde Valley community. There are only 40 tickets per show and I suggest getting your tickets sooner rather than later, plus they cost $5 more at the door.

There will be Apple Pie!

Hope to see you there and please share info about the event.

Here is the ticket link

Read more about it at our Facebook event link and share link to promote


Democratic Perspectives – Mondays at 8:15am @ KAZM Radio 780
May 15 @ 8:15 pm – 9:00 pm


Democratic Perspective is broadcast live on KAZM 780 AM in Sedona Arizona Monday morning 8:15-9:00 AM. D.P. brings a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public.

On April 3 we welcome Mike Fogel, chairman of the Yavapai Democratic Party. Mike is  a former teacher and current school board member in Chino Valley.

On April 10, we welcome Llama from the Verde Valley Democrats. Llama is the field organizer par excellence and works with he Democrats of the Red Rocks, the Verde Valley Democrats, and is also a vice president and precinct leader for the Yavapai County Party.

Democratic Perspective is brought to you by the Verde Valley Independent Democrats, a working group founded in 2011 to bring a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public. We’ll examine issues and ideas from different perspectives that challenge the prevailing political wisdom of both parties. Democratic Perspective can be heard at 8:15 a.m. every Monday morning on AM780 KAZM and is based in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. The show is co-hosted by Hava Derby, Gary LaMaster, Stephen Williamson with frequent guest hosts.

Democratic Perspectives Podcasts:

Yavapai County Democratic Party – Monthly Meeting @ Zoom meeting
May 18 @ 5:45 pm

We will be voting for a new Chair. Mike Fogel has stepped down and Vice Chair, Ray Frey, is taking his place until the election

We will hold a virtual County Committee meeting to accomplish this election on April 20, 2023, at 5:45 p.m.


Have a question? Need information on YCDP candidates, events, activities, programs, or positions?

Please feel free to contact us at any time.

Or come by our Headquarters.

1555 Iron Springs Road, Suite 1

Prescott, AZ 86305



DORR Breakfast – Hybrid @ Senior Center and Zoom
May 19 @ 9:30 am – 11:30 am

DORR Educational Breakfast Hybrid –
September 15, 9:30-11am 
Sedona Community Center, Melody Lane or on Zoom

The importance of language in political messaging cannot be overstated. In politics, every word counts. A successful campaign can hinge on the artful construction of messages that resonate with voters. Political language is more than slogans; it can bridge the gap between political ideals and public perception. Note the regrettably misunderstood term “Defund the police.”

It behooves all of us to be conscious of the language we’re using and how it will be construed, when talking to others or writing Letters to the Editor. This program will help us fine tune our political messaging to make it most effective.

Our 3 speakers are with a non-profit called Words That W!N dedicated to teaching and promoting strategic messaging to win hearts, minds, and votes. WTW is an all-volunteer group, passionate about good messaging.

If you haven’t already, please check out DORR’s latest issue of Keeping Posted, exclusively devoted to messaging.

Ali Feldman
Ali Feldman was a speech language pathologist for almost twenty years and then she transitioned into political work involving advocacy, elections, organizing, and communications. Ali currently works for a progressive communications hub in Pennsylvania.

Lisa Wagner
Lisa Wagner is a retired palliative care nurse practitioner who has worked in oncology, neurosurgery, and home hospice. She became more politically engaged after retirement and the 2016 election.

Melissa Knutson
Melissa Knutson is a communications professional with over 20 years experience at a large non-profit organization. She spent her twenties touring Europe as a singer in a rock, folk, pop band and is now devoted to getting progressives to sing from the same playbook.


Come Join Us In Person or On Zoom

To help our members keep informed about important issues, we are are now running our monthly breakfast meetings both in person AND Zoom.

9:30 am on Friday, XXX
The Sedona Community Center
2615 Melody Lane in West Sedona
Coffee, tea and light refreshments

$10 donation per person
Breakfast Zoom Link
ZOOM Details

Topic: DORR Breakfast

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 895 6963 5520
Passcode: 288900

Dial by your location
+1 669 444 9171 USnbsp;