Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Monthly September through May series ,
“Preserving the Wonder”
will be held on the second Wednesday of each month
September through May.
Join us on the third Thursday of each month. Check the DORR website for more information.
Thursday, August 17, 10am (Arizona) is our next “Breakfast” meeting via Zoom
Meeting ID: 834 1861 1245
Passcode: 849279
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Contact us:
PO Box 1165 Sedona AZ 86339 928-212-1357
Office: 105 Roadrunner Dr, Suite 2A, Sedona AZ
Office currently open on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 11-2pm
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Let’s Talk Politics!!!
Have a political or legislative issue on the mind or just want to talk about current events? This is your opportunity to share and hear from others.
This group meets monthly on the 4th Thursday of the month.
Fourth Thursday of the month
Beginning on: April 22, 2021 08:30 AM Arizona
There is no need to pre-register.
Click here to join the Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 849 6412 4692
Passcode: 210146
Thirsty Thursdays
Want to talk about politics with an adult beverage in hand? Join us for Thirsty Thursdays.
Thirsty Thursdays meet every other month on the 4th Thursday of the month. 2021 meetings will be in March, May, July, September, and November.
Thirsty Thursdays
May 27, 2021 5-6:30 PM Arizona via Zoom
Note: Lattes with the League has been merged with Let’s Talk Politics.
Stop by and sign a petition!
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Political Book Club
April 24 – No Stopping Us Now by Gail Collins
May 29 – The Education of an Idealist by Samantha Power
June 26 – War by Margaret MacMillan
July 31 – A Promised Land by Barack Obama
Currently, meetings are held via Zoom from 1:00 until 3:00 pm (MST). The only requirement to join the discussion is that each participant has read the book. The standard format consists of each person giving a brief (1-2 minute) statement concerning the book’s overall impressions and implications. This segment is followed by group questions and discussions of the material.
If you would like information about the Book Club or to be included on the list of participants, please contact Barbara Litrell at or phone 928-300-5839.
Click here to join the Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 928 300 5839
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,9283005839# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,9283005839# US (San Jose)
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Join Us!
First Thursday of the month!
Check for the time.
May 6th meeting will be at 5pm.
Distanced and masked outside.
In person meeting Pizza will be served.
Contact Mike Cosentino for info.
Mission Statement:
– Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats, affiliate of the Yavapai County Democrats, shall promote the values, messages and principles of the Democratic Party and work to elect Democrats to public office.
Goals and Activities
– Meet once a month either in person or virtually – Educate and inform local Democrats on issues of Yavapai County and Yavapai County Democratic Party.
– Recruit and help train Precinct Committee Persons – To find individuals willing to be elected Precinct Committee Persons to represent the precincts of the Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats.
– Introduce and Promote Democratic Party Candidates – Invite candidates to speak at the monthly meetings and canvass to promote candidates.
Support Local, County, State and National Democratic organizations – Partner with these organizations to promote issues involved.
– Promote awareness of the VVYD – Publish a monthly newsletter; partner with other organizations to register, educate and promote voting; hold special events to promote Democrats.
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Join us on the third Thursday of each month. Check the DORR website for more information.
Thursday, August 17, 10am (Arizona) is our next “Breakfast” meeting via Zoom
Meeting ID: 834 1861 1245
Passcode: 849279
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Contact us:
PO Box 1165 Sedona AZ 86339 928-212-1357
Office: 105 Roadrunner Dr, Suite 2A, Sedona AZ
Office currently open on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 11-2pm
Friday, August 20, 2021 at 5:00pm
Capital in the Twenty-First Century
Available on Netflix
After several films about nomadic life (i.e. Nomadland, Acasa My Home/ Latcho Drom), we thought we might take a look at what folks are rejecting. And what better than the documentary about capitalism based on Thomas Piketty’s best selling book?
Piketty, “a French academic, is not only a brilliant economist but also one with a gift for making complicated ideas accessible,” wrote Ben Kenigsberg, in The New York Times. In the documentary, Piketty and guests give a historical context on unchecked capitalism, and discuss wealth, poverty, and power in capitalist societies. To quote Simran Hans of the Guardian, they show how tenets of capitalism were “packaged and sold to the middle classes as a social leveller destined to improve the quality of life for all,” a belief that is becoming suspect in these times of vast wealth inequality.
Let’s meet August 20, 2021 at 5:00pm (AZ) on zoom. Just watch the film before we meet, grab something to eat and drink, and be ready to discuss! We look forward to a dynamic conversation on the acquisition of capital, the growing wealth gap, and-to harken back to our last films–the acceptance (or rejection) of settled ways of life and commercial, consumerist values. We’ll send the Zoom invitation a few days before our discussion.
DORR’s political film club is hosted by Mik Jordahl (Attorney) and Frankie Riemer (Professor). To sign up, send an email to and ask for the Zoom invitation. If you signed up for any of our previous films, your name is already on our list for the invite.
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Let’s Talk Politics!!!
Have a political or legislative issue on the mind or just want to talk about current events? This is your opportunity to share and hear from others.
This group meets monthly on the 4th Thursday of the month.
Fourth Thursday of the month
Beginning on: April 22, 2021 08:30 AM Arizona
There is no need to pre-register.
Click here to join the Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 849 6412 4692
Passcode: 210146
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Join Us!
First Thursday of the month!
Check for the time.
May 6th meeting will be at 5pm.
Distanced and masked outside.
In person meeting Pizza will be served.
Contact Mike Cosentino for info.
Mission Statement:
– Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats, affiliate of the Yavapai County Democrats, shall promote the values, messages and principles of the Democratic Party and work to elect Democrats to public office.
Goals and Activities
– Meet once a month either in person or virtually – Educate and inform local Democrats on issues of Yavapai County and Yavapai County Democratic Party.
– Recruit and help train Precinct Committee Persons – To find individuals willing to be elected Precinct Committee Persons to represent the precincts of the Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats.
– Introduce and Promote Democratic Party Candidates – Invite candidates to speak at the monthly meetings and canvass to promote candidates.
Support Local, County, State and National Democratic organizations – Partner with these organizations to promote issues involved.
– Promote awareness of the VVYD – Publish a monthly newsletter; partner with other organizations to register, educate and promote voting; hold special events to promote Democrats.
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Join us on the third Thursday of each month. Check the DORR website for more information.
Thursday, August 17, 10am (Arizona) is our next “Breakfast” meeting via Zoom
Meeting ID: 834 1861 1245
Passcode: 849279
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Contact us:
PO Box 1165 Sedona AZ 86339 928-212-1357
Office: 105 Roadrunner Dr, Suite 2A, Sedona AZ
Office currently open on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 11-2pm
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Let’s Talk Politics!!!
Have a political or legislative issue on the mind or just want to talk about current events? This is your opportunity to share and hear from others.
This group meets monthly on the 4th Thursday of the month.
Fourth Thursday of the month
Beginning on: April 22, 2021 08:30 AM Arizona
There is no need to pre-register.
Click here to join the Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 849 6412 4692
Passcode: 210146
Thirsty Thursdays
Want to talk about politics with an adult beverage in hand? Join us for Thirsty Thursdays.
Thirsty Thursdays meet every other month on the 4th Thursday of the month. 2021 meetings will be in March, May, July, September, and November.
Thirsty Thursdays
May 27, 2021 5-6:30 PM Arizona via Zoom
Note: Lattes with the League has been merged with Let’s Talk Politics.
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Join Us!
First Thursday of the month!
Check for the time.
May 6th meeting will be at 5pm.
Distanced and masked outside.
In person meeting Pizza will be served.
Contact Mike Cosentino for info.
Mission Statement:
– Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats, affiliate of the Yavapai County Democrats, shall promote the values, messages and principles of the Democratic Party and work to elect Democrats to public office.
Goals and Activities
– Meet once a month either in person or virtually – Educate and inform local Democrats on issues of Yavapai County and Yavapai County Democratic Party.
– Recruit and help train Precinct Committee Persons – To find individuals willing to be elected Precinct Committee Persons to represent the precincts of the Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats.
– Introduce and Promote Democratic Party Candidates – Invite candidates to speak at the monthly meetings and canvass to promote candidates.
Support Local, County, State and National Democratic organizations – Partner with these organizations to promote issues involved.
– Promote awareness of the VVYD – Publish a monthly newsletter; partner with other organizations to register, educate and promote voting; hold special events to promote Democrats.
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Join us on the third Thursday of each month. Check the DORR website for more information.
Thursday, August 17, 10am (Arizona) is our next “Breakfast” meeting via Zoom
Meeting ID: 834 1861 1245
Passcode: 849279
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Contact us:
PO Box 1165 Sedona AZ 86339 928-212-1357
Office: 105 Roadrunner Dr, Suite 2A, Sedona AZ
Office currently open on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 11-2pm
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Let’s Talk Politics!!!
Have a political or legislative issue on the mind or just want to talk about current events? This is your opportunity to share and hear from others.
This group meets monthly on the 4th Thursday of the month.
Fourth Thursday of the month
Beginning on: April 22, 2021 08:30 AM Arizona
There is no need to pre-register.
Click here to join the Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 849 6412 4692
Passcode: 210146
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Join Us!
First Thursday of the month!
Check for the time.
May 6th meeting will be at 5pm.
Distanced and masked outside.
In person meeting Pizza will be served.
Contact Mike Cosentino for info.
Mission Statement:
– Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats, affiliate of the Yavapai County Democrats, shall promote the values, messages and principles of the Democratic Party and work to elect Democrats to public office.
Goals and Activities
– Meet once a month either in person or virtually – Educate and inform local Democrats on issues of Yavapai County and Yavapai County Democratic Party.
– Recruit and help train Precinct Committee Persons – To find individuals willing to be elected Precinct Committee Persons to represent the precincts of the Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats.
– Introduce and Promote Democratic Party Candidates – Invite candidates to speak at the monthly meetings and canvass to promote candidates.
Support Local, County, State and National Democratic organizations – Partner with these organizations to promote issues involved.
– Promote awareness of the VVYD – Publish a monthly newsletter; partner with other organizations to register, educate and promote voting; hold special events to promote Democrats.
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Join us on the third Thursday of each month. Check the DORR website for more information.
Thursday, August 17, 10am (Arizona) is our next “Breakfast” meeting via Zoom
Meeting ID: 834 1861 1245
Passcode: 849279
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Contact us:
PO Box 1165 Sedona AZ 86339 928-212-1357
Office: 105 Roadrunner Dr, Suite 2A, Sedona AZ
Office currently open on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 11-2pm
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Let’s Talk Politics!!!
Have a political or legislative issue on the mind or just want to talk about current events? This is your opportunity to share and hear from others.
This group meets monthly on the 4th Thursday of the month.
Fourth Thursday of the month
Beginning on: April 22, 2021 08:30 AM Arizona
There is no need to pre-register.
Click here to join the Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 849 6412 4692
Passcode: 210146
Thirsty Thursdays
Want to talk about politics with an adult beverage in hand? Join us for Thirsty Thursdays.
Thirsty Thursdays meet every other month on the 4th Thursday of the month. 2021 meetings will be in March, May, July, September, and November.
Thirsty Thursdays
May 27, 2021 5-6:30 PM Arizona via Zoom
Note: Lattes with the League has been merged with Let’s Talk Politics.
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Join Us!
First Thursday of the month!
Check for the time.
May 6th meeting will be at 5pm.
Distanced and masked outside.
In person meeting Pizza will be served.
Contact Mike Cosentino for info.
Mission Statement:
– Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats, affiliate of the Yavapai County Democrats, shall promote the values, messages and principles of the Democratic Party and work to elect Democrats to public office.
Goals and Activities
– Meet once a month either in person or virtually – Educate and inform local Democrats on issues of Yavapai County and Yavapai County Democratic Party.
– Recruit and help train Precinct Committee Persons – To find individuals willing to be elected Precinct Committee Persons to represent the precincts of the Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats.
– Introduce and Promote Democratic Party Candidates – Invite candidates to speak at the monthly meetings and canvass to promote candidates.
Support Local, County, State and National Democratic organizations – Partner with these organizations to promote issues involved.
– Promote awareness of the VVYD – Publish a monthly newsletter; partner with other organizations to register, educate and promote voting; hold special events to promote Democrats.
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Join us on the third Thursday of each month. Check the DORR website for more information.
Thursday, August 17, 10am (Arizona) is our next “Breakfast” meeting via Zoom
Meeting ID: 834 1861 1245
Passcode: 849279
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Contact us:
PO Box 1165 Sedona AZ 86339 928-212-1357
Office: 105 Roadrunner Dr, Suite 2A, Sedona AZ
Office currently open on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 11-2pm
Democratic Perspective Radio – KAZM 780AM
Listen to Democratic Prospectives Radio Podcasts each week on Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM
Live streaming on KAZM780AM in Sedona at
Click on “Listen Live” at the top.
Podcast available a bit later in the day
KAZM Podcasts from previous weeks
Let’s Talk Politics!!!
Have a political or legislative issue on the mind or just want to talk about current events? This is your opportunity to share and hear from others.
This group meets monthly on the 4th Thursday of the month.
Fourth Thursday of the month
Beginning on: April 22, 2021 08:30 AM Arizona
There is no need to pre-register.
Click here to join the Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 849 6412 4692
Passcode: 210146