Let’s Talk Politics
A gathering to discuss the current political climate.
Share your views with others.
Political Book Club
“Killer of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI”
by David Grann
April 27
Call Barbara for location
Join us for a fundraiser to meet and support a progressive candidate for Congress, Eva Putzova. Eva will champion Medicare for All, tuition-free college, bold climate action like the Green New Deal and Indigenous, women’s, and workers’ rights. With her track record as the most progressive Flagstaff City Councilmember she is the real deal. Thanks to her effort raising the local minimum wage, Flagstaff workers—and not their bosses—will be getting additional $140 million dollars into their pockets. She has the courage, energy, and persistence needed to challenge the unbridled corporate power and put people first.
Sunday, February 17: 2pm to 4pm
80 Cathedral Lane, Sedona, AZ 86336
Hosted by: Frances Riemer & Mik Jordahl
Please RSVP at [email protected]
Please join us for this speaker who is traveling from Prescott to speak with us.
Lisa Rhine, Yavapai College, President
In February 2019, Dr. Lisa B. Rhine became the president of OLLI’s parent organization, Yavapai College. She brings to her role over 30 years of leadership experience across a number of leading colleges in Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia. Meet her to learn about her background in community college work and her intentions for the future of YC services in Sedona and the Verde Valley. Find out how she’ll deal with the challenge of overseeing a college with multiple campuses, located far apart in varied communities. She’ll explain YC’s role in supporting not-for-credit, member-run, adult education programs like OLLI.
Philosophy and Politics.
This month’s presentation will address “The Ethics of Climate Change.”
Our speaker will be Matthew Goodwin, PhD, Northern Arizona University.
IMMIGRATION and CRIME – Jack Harris – Retired Phoenix police chief and City Manager
Speaker: Jack Harris – Retired Phoenix police Chief and Deputy City Manager
Subject: Immigration and Crime in Arizona. Jack will provide facts that show the true relationship between the two as opposed to statements that have been in the news that do not actually reflect what was and is going on in immigrant communities.
Date & Time: Thursday May 2, 5 pm
Location: Church of the red Rocks,
54 Bowstring Drive
Sedona, AZ 86336
Phone: 928-282-7963
Jack Harris began his career with the Phoenix Police Department in 1972. He served honorably for over 39 years rising through the ranks from patrol officer to Police Chief. As the Police Chief he led a department that consisted of over 3500 sworn police officers and a support staff of 1100 civilian positions with an annual budget of over half a billion dollars. After retiring he was asked to return to become a Deputy City Manager with the title of Public Safety Manager. In this position he continued to serve as Police Chief but took on the added responsibility of leadership of the City of Phoenix Emergency Management team as well as having direct oversight of all public safety entities in the City of Phoenix. He retired in 2011 and is currently consulting on a variety of police related issues.
Jack is a graduate of Phoenix College, Arizona State University, Ottawa University, the Federal Bureau of Investigations National Academy and the FBI National Executive institute. He has received numerous awards including lifetime achievement awards from the Governor of Arizona and the Fraternal Order of Police and was recently selected to receive the Leadership award for 2012 from the Police Executive Research Forum in Washington, DC. In 2015 he was selected to receive the prestigious “Service Above Self” award from the United States Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation.
Join the LWVGVV on Monday, May 6 12:30 – 2:00
Yavapai College
Rm 34
4215 Arts Village Drive, Sedona
Please join us to meet :
Jill McCutcheon, Executive Director of Sedona Recycles
Join Curt Ireland
“Pros and cons of Impeachment”
Friday, May 10
Yavapai College
4215 Arts Village Drive, Sedona
Ollie Program
Register in advance or at the door.
Join the LWVGVV to meet:
Roxanne Holland, Sedona’s New Manager of the Wastewater Reclamation Plant (off Rte 89A)
You are invited to a reception in support of
Hosted by
Steve Segner, Ellen Simon &Blaire Tann, and Klaus von Stutterheim
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
5:00 – 6:30 PM
Address provided upon RSVP
Sedona, AZ
Suggested Contributions:
Co-host: $1,000 | Benefactor: $500 | Sponsor: $250 Patron: $100 | Friend: $50
To RSVP or with questions, please contact
Danny Carroll at 913-485-1963 or [email protected]
Register online at https://secure.actblue.com/donate/sedona-friedman051519
❑Yes, I would like to attend and contribute at the following level:
❑Co-host: $1,000 ❑Benefactor: $500 ❑Sponsor: $250
❑Patron: $100 ❑Friend: $50 Other: $________
❑I cannot attend, but wish to support Mark with a contribution of $___________.
Questions? Contact Danny Carroll at 913-485-1963 or [email protected]
Please make your personal, partnership or PAC checks payable to:
Mark Kelly for Senate, 3104 E Camelback Rd. #924 Phoenix, AZ 85018
*Full name _________________________________________________________________
*Address ___________________________________________________________________
*City _______________________________*State _______________*Zip _______________
Home Phone ______________________ Work Phone _____________________________
Cell Phone ______________________Email ______________________________________
*Occupation ________________________*Employer _______________________________
Federal law requires us to use best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle.
Contribute via credit card online at Contribute OR complete the following information:
Please charge $_________________ to my ❑Visa ❑Mastercard ❑American Express ❑Discover Credit Card Number ___________________________________________ Expiration ______________ Signature ___________________________________________________________________________
Contributions to Mark Kelly for Senate are not tax deductible. An individual or federal PAC may contribute a maximum amount of $2,800/$5,000 per election, the Primary and General being separate elections. Contributions from corporations, labor organization treasury funds, foreign nationals, and federal government contractors are prohibited. Contributions must be made from the contributor’s own funds, not those of another and contributors may not be reimbursed by any other person or entity.
Paid for by Mark Kelly for Senate
Special Event DORR Breakfast
Mark Kelly
Candidate for US Senate
Thursday, May 16, 8 am
Heartline Cafe
1610 89A, Sedona Arizona
Admission is $15 and includes breakfast
All are welcome. Pay at the door.
We are very pleased to have a special speaker in May.
Mark Kelly
Astronaut Mark Kelly has announced that he’s running in the Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate from Arizona. Kelly, the husband of former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, logged more than 54 days in space across four missions and piloted the final flight of space shuttle Endeavour. Kelly and Giffords became nationally known following an assassination attempt that almost killed her in January 2011. She and 18 others were shot with six being left dead. In a video announcing his run, Kelly said the shooting made him realize that, when bad things happen, “you’ve got to move ahead and try to make a difference in the world.” He went on to say: “I care about people, I care about the state of Arizona, I care about this nation, and because of that, I’ve decided that I’m launching a campaign for the United States Senate.”
Please check our website for additional information on Mark’s visit.
Join us for breakfast and learn about the critical issues affecting our world.
Visit DORR’s website at www.democratsoftheredrocks.org for more info!
Democrats of the Red Rocks
P.O. Box 1165 Sedona AZ 86339 928-212-1357
Join Us!!!
After signing up, registrants will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the Zoom meeting.
July speaker will be Coral Evans!!!
Coral Evans and Local Government
On Tuesday, July 21, 2020 from 5:00-6:00, Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats will present its fourth Zoom presentation. Coral Evans, Mayor of Flagstaff, asmall business owner and a former teacher, will address the significance of local government to the individual, being a mayor during COVID-19, rapiddecision making, and enforcing regulations. Because she is running for Arizona State House in the August 4 primary election, Coral will talk aboutimportant issues that need to be addressed in the state. Time will be provided for questions. Please join us.Join your Yavapai Democrats – Cottonwood to connect with neighbors in the Verde Valley and help build our local democratic community.
Each month’s meeting program will highlight different guest speaker, the latest election news, important ballot and other political initiatives, and fun and easy opportunities to get involved as a volunteer.
To join the meeting on Zoom, please register in advance at: http://bit.ly/VerdeValleyDemocrats.
Please join us on May 22 for this even.
Kristi Tate, Ian Dowdy, and Evelyn Casuga
This team of dedicated community innovators at The Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA) work to create a better tomorrow for our state. Learn from them what CFA’s The Arizona We Want survey discovered, how their new set of “progress meters” will measure and provide data useful for decision-making regarding what’s going on in our state’s eight most important areas (which are: 1) Education, 2) Jobs, 3) Young Talent, 4) Health and Well-being, 5) Natural Resources, 6) Infrastructure, 7) Civic Participation, and 8) Connected Communities) and what their The Arizona We Want Community Conversations Series will address.
Dear League Members an Friends,
If you’re interested in learning more about the issues, people and politics of our country, the League of Women Voters Greater Verde Valley Book Club might be a great way to start. The only requirement is that you read the book! Discussions take place the last Saturday of each month, 1-3PM, at a member’s home. Everyone gets to comment on the book and then we move into general discussion of themes, issues, etc. Contact Barbara Litrell, LWV Book Club Coordinator, if you have questions or want to be added to the Book Club email list.
“Fifth Risk” by Michael Lewis (256 pages)
Join Us!
Let’s Talk Politics,
Creative Life Center–Art Cabin,
on Schnebly Hill Road, Sedona
Barbara Litrell
[email protected]
Join Us on the corner!
This Friday we will join the Wear Orange Weekend
Wear Orange Weekend
1. Join Us at the corner of 89A and Coffee Pot
2. Corner Democracy
3. June 7, Friday
4. From 3-4.
5. Wear Orange
6. Bring a sign about gun control
7. Use one of our March For Our Lives signs
Stand up for common sense gun control!!!!
We wear orange to honor Hadiya Pendleton. She performed in President Obama’s inaugural parade.
One week later she was shot and killed in Chicago. Orange was her favorite color.
Open this link for more information:
Join Us!
DORR has a new office located at 105 Roadrunner Drive off 89A

Democrats of the Red Rocks Office
(across the street from the Sedona City Hall campus)
Join Us!
June 15, Saturday
Cottonwood Library, Cottonwood
100 S. 6th Street
Dr. Sailesh Rao is the Founder and Director of Climate Healers, a non-profit dedicated towards healing the Earth’s climate. In 2006, he became deeply immersed, full time, in the environmental crises affecting humanity and has been studying how to reverse them and achieve global sustainability from a systems perspective. Dr. Rao is the Executive Producer of several documentaries including, Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret. www.ClimateHealers.org
This talk examines the top causes of premature extinction on Earth – climate change, biodiversity loss, ecosystems collapse, chemical pollution and more. Discussion on how a nonviolent Eco-Vegan lifestyle mitigates all of these causes. With strong scientific evidence, it shows why we need to transition to a largely Vegan World to continue fulfilling this ecosystems role by 2026, seven short years from now, or risk our own extinction.
Join us !
Food Choices & Climate Change
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Sedona Public Library
3250 White Bear Rd
Peggy Chaikin
[email protected]
Join Us!!!
After signing up, registrants will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the Zoom meeting.
July speaker will be Coral Evans!!!
Coral Evans and Local Government
On Tuesday, July 21, 2020 from 5:00-6:00, Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats will present its fourth Zoom presentation. Coral Evans, Mayor of Flagstaff, asmall business owner and a former teacher, will address the significance of local government to the individual, being a mayor during COVID-19, rapiddecision making, and enforcing regulations. Because she is running for Arizona State House in the August 4 primary election, Coral will talk aboutimportant issues that need to be addressed in the state. Time will be provided for questions. Please join us.Join your Yavapai Democrats – Cottonwood to connect with neighbors in the Verde Valley and help build our local democratic community.
Each month’s meeting program will highlight different guest speaker, the latest election news, important ballot and other political initiatives, and fun and easy opportunities to get involved as a volunteer.
To join the meeting on Zoom, please register in advance at: http://bit.ly/VerdeValleyDemocrats.
DORR Breakfast

Join Us!
Guest Speaker:
Mary Melcher who will speak about local women history including suffragette movement.
Luncheon – $25
Thursday, June 20,
Sedona Elks Lodge
110 Airport Road, Sedona
LWV Board Meeting
2:00p-4:00p following luncheon at Elks Club, Sedona
110 Airport Road
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Join Us!
Let’s Talk Politics,
Creative Life Center–Art Cabin,
on Schnebly Hill Road, Sedona
Barbara Litrell
[email protected]
Dear League Members an Friends,
If you’re interested in learning more about the issues, people and politics of our country, the League of Women Voters Greater Verde Valley Book Club might be a great way to start. The only requirement is that you read the book! Discussions take place the last Saturday of each month, 1-3PM, at a member’s home. Everyone gets to comment on the book and then we move into general discussion of themes, issues, etc. Below is the selection list and dates for January thru August 2019. Contact Barbara Litrell, LWV Book Club Coordinator, if you have questions or want to be added to the Book Club email list.
“Leadership in Turbulent Times” by Doris Kearns Goodwin (368 pages)
Political Book Club:
“Leadership in Turbulent Times” by Doris Kearns Goodwin,
Call 649-0135 for location, [email protected]
Tom O’Halleran
at the
Camp Verde Library
Monday, July 1st
Meet and Greet him!!!
March with the ERA task force in Prescott Frontier Days Parade and support the ratification of the ERA by the AZ legislature.
Arrive by; 8am at the corner of Willis and Mariana, staging area 14. Solidarity; – Please wear a white top. Slashes will be supplied!!! Decorate a wagon or buggy in white and pink, lavender and green.
Please join us with a sign, water bottle, appropriate dress, and maybe an umbrella for shade to protest the inhumane conditions faced by refugees. We will pass out candles for you to light in your home at sunset.
Corner Democracy
July 12, Friday
89A and Coffeepot Drive
Please share this far and wide.
Please follow at the event page: Lights for Liberty
#Lights4Liberty #DontLookAway #EndTrumpsDetentionCamps
We are a coalition of people, many of whom are mothers, dedicated to human rights, and the fundamental principle behind democracy that all human beings have a right to life, liberty and dignity. We are partnering with national, regional and local communities and organizations who believe that these fundamental rights are not negotiable and are willing to protect them.
On Friday July 12th, 2019, Lights for Liberty: A Vigil to End Human Detention Camps, will bring thousands of Americans to detention camps across the country, into the streets and into their own front yards, to protest the inhumane conditions faced by refugees.
Across this country, we have witnessed acts against people fleeing persecution many of us thought we would never see in modern times.
At Trump’s human detention camps, teen mothers and babies are held outdoors in “dog pounds.” We have witnessed the sick and elderly confined to “icebox” rooms for weeks at a time. Unbelievably, children as young as 4 months are taken from their parents, medicine is confiscated, and medical care withheld, and LGBTQ and disabled individuals are held in solitary confinement.
“The Trump administration’s immigration policies and detention camps meet the United Nations’ definition of genocide and crimes against humanity,” said Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin, lawyer, activist and organizer. “Congress is refusing to stop the president and his policies. We cannot allow these atrocities to be perpetrated in our name.”
Perhaps most terrifying, refugees are beginning to be moved onto military grounds, where there will be a complete lack of oversight from the media, lawyers, and human rights monitors. Many of us thought we would never see anything like this in modern times.
“Now is the time for every person to stand up and say, ‘We will not accept this!’ No more hesitating. No more denial. No more fear. We need to be bold, and loud, and unrelenting. That’s the only way we can stop this,” said Kristin Mink, activist and organizer.
Lights for Liberty seeks to create this event in solidarity and allyship with communities most impacted by the abuse of our immigration system. We seek to work in solidarity with grassroots organizations both new and historic, those who are well-funded and on shoe-string budget. We are moved to mobilize with anyone: moms, dads, and people of moral conscience who cannot stand to see families and communities destroyed.
Simply put, our country is at a tipping point.
On July 12th, Lights for Liberty will shine a light on the horrific abuses of the Trump administration in human detention camps.
People will begin arriving at 7pm local time at locations around the nation. At five main locations, legislators, activists, and organizers will speak until 9pm.
At 9 pm local time, at every detention camp (there are more than 200+ and at least one in every state), and in cities, towns, and homes around America, a silent sea of candles will light up the nation.
El Paso, Texas, where migrants are being housed in outdoor conditions under a bridge with no running water for months at a time, is the anticipated site of the main Lights for Liberty vigil. Legislators, activists, organizers, and members of impacted communities are expected to speak.
Other key events are planned in:
Homestead, FL, at a migrant child detention facility that has caused mass abuse and neglect;
San Diego, near the point of entry site from Tijuana;
New York City, at Foley Square, where hundreds of migrants are processed through detention a day;
and Washington, DC, in front of the Capitol building, to demand action from Congress to end human detention and impeach the President.
Details of exact vigil locations will be announced in the coming days.
We welcome all individuals and organizations who support an end to human detention camps to participate in a main or local event. Please email us at [email protected] if you or your organization is interested in sponsoring or supporting an event in your area.
These events are being funded entirely out of the pockets of our organizing team. We have no sponsors and will not be asking for any financial contribution for these events.
We will invite the public to directly contribute to organizations supporting migrant refugees on the donations page of our website.
This moment has the opportunity to be a turning point in our nation’s history, a moment in which we bring these camps out of the shadows, stop America’s rapid slide into unspeakable horror, and demand that our country stand up for the values it strives to uphold.
We invite you to stand beside us on the right side of history on July 12th.
For more information please visit our website: www.lightsforliberty.org
And in the interim, from now until the end of this administration and its horrific policies, we invite you to light a candle in our window to keep vigil for all those still held in Trump’s detention camps, and all those persecuted, marginalized and harmed by this administration.
For a press release with all the details shared above, go to https://bit.ly/2Isbf1S .
#DontLookAway #Lights4Liberty #EndTrumpsConcentrationCamps
[email protected]
Facebook: Women’s March Sedona
Facebook: Sedona Action Network
NOTICE: Tomorrow, SUNDAY JULY 14TH, 2:30 pm Outlaw Dirty Money petition training, signing and notarizing at the Democrats of the Red Rocks office, 105 Roadrunner Dr. Suite 2A, Sedona.
Join Us!!!
After signing up, registrants will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the Zoom meeting.
July speaker will be Coral Evans!!!
Coral Evans and Local Government
On Tuesday, July 21, 2020 from 5:00-6:00, Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats will present its fourth Zoom presentation. Coral Evans, Mayor of Flagstaff, asmall business owner and a former teacher, will address the significance of local government to the individual, being a mayor during COVID-19, rapiddecision making, and enforcing regulations. Because she is running for Arizona State House in the August 4 primary election, Coral will talk aboutimportant issues that need to be addressed in the state. Time will be provided for questions. Please join us.Join your Yavapai Democrats – Cottonwood to connect with neighbors in the Verde Valley and help build our local democratic community.
Each month’s meeting program will highlight different guest speaker, the latest election news, important ballot and other political initiatives, and fun and easy opportunities to get involved as a volunteer.
To join the meeting on Zoom, please register in advance at: http://bit.ly/VerdeValleyDemocrats.
DORR Breakfast _ Join US!!!
Democrats of the Red Rocks will hold a discussion about mining in Northern Arizona at its breakfast on Thursday, July 18, 8AM at Olde Sedona Restaurant, located at 1405 W State Route 89A.
Mining in Arizona has received a growing amount of attention as controversial practices like fracking – technically hydraulic fracturing – and helium extraction have moved into the area.
Fracking is a deep well drilling process that extracts oil or natural gas via horizontal drilling that extends from the vertical bore and pumps fluid into the well at extremely high pressure powerful enough to fracture surrounding rock to create fissures and cracks through which the oil and gas are extracted.
Helium is a rare element removed from trapped gas deposits. It forms as a byproduct from the decay of heavier elements, such as uranium, and must go through an involved separation process before it can be refined and made commercially available.
DORR will discuss issues of land management, environmental concerns, and public safety related to modern mining. Guest speakers will be Joe Costion, Chair of the Coconino Community College Construction Technology Department and Bill Pierce, mining engineer and 2018 candidate for AZ State Mine Inspector.
Costion has been Dept. Chair at Coconino County Community College for over ten years and initiated its Sustainable Building Program and its Alternative Energy Program.
Pierce has been an advocate of work place safety in mines since 1985. He is an engineer with over 40 years of experience and is certified by the Mine Safety Heath Administration, OSHA certified, and has trained with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in workplace safety.
The speakers will appear as part of DORR’s critical issues breakfast series held on the third Thursday of the month. The organization presents different issues at each. All breakfasts are open to the public. There is a $15 fee to cover the cost of breakfast.
DORR is an all-volunteer Democratic Club for Sedona, the Village of Oak Creek, the Verde Valley, and surrounding communities that welcomes all independent-minded citizens. The DORR office at 105 Roadrunner Drive in West Sedona is open weekdays from 11AM-2PM. Information is available on how to register to vote and on candidates running for office. Walk-ins are welcome. For more information, please call 928-212-1357 or visit: http://democratsoftheredrocks.org
DORR Breakfast
July 18, Thursday
Olde Sedona Bar and Grill
1405 89A
Mining, Fracking and uranium in AZ
Bill Pierce, Candidate for Mine Inspector 2020 will be there.
Grand Canyon Trust also invited – waiting to hear who can be there.
Be there!!!
The City of Sedona has been working with other cities and towns to persuade the State Legislature to change the short term rental statute to allow more regulation of short term rentals. One of our State Representatives, Bob Thorpe, is planning to hold a community discussion on Short Term Rentals here in Sedona. Thorpe has scheduled the community discussion for Wednesday, July 24, 3:00 at the Council Chambers in City Hall. This is Thorpe’s meeting, not a City meeting, and at this time I have no idea of what Thorpe has in mind. For those of you who are concerned one way or another with Short Term Rentals, you might try and attend that meeting and make your feelings known.
Join Us!
We’re going to try to avoid the heat and monsoon storms by meeting on the Corner from 9-10am. Bring a sign and dress accordingly.
Dear League Members and Friends,
If you’re interested in learning more about the issues, people and politics of our country, the League of Women Voters Greater Verde Valley Book Club might be a great way to start. The only requirement is that you read the book! Discussions take place the last Saturday of each month, 1-3PM, at a member’s home. Everyone gets to comment on the book and then we move into general discussion of themes, issues, etc. Below is the selection list and dates for January thru August 2019. Contact Barbara Litrell, LWV Book Club Coordinator, if you have questions or want to be added to the Book Club email list.
“How the Right Lost Its Mind” by Charlie Sykes 288 pages
Yavapai County Democratic Picnic
Felicia French for AZ Senate and Coral Evans for House LD6 and Eva Putzova for CD1 will be speaking as will the candidates for CD4 and LD1 yavdem.org to RSVP $20.00
JOIN US!!!!!
Come to the corner of 89A and Coffeepot in Sedona.
Bring a sign that represents an issue
Or use one of our signs.
Time: 9-10
Avoid the heat by bringing water, a hat, umbrella, etc.
Stand up for what you believe in!
See you there!
Blue Bench training by Arizona Democratic Party and the National Democratic Training Committee in Phoenix. 9 to 4:30 Training for Campaign volunteers, managers and candidates traindemocrats.org or azdem.org for more information FREE
LWV Board Meeting
Yavapai County Building, 2nd floor, Cottonwood
Join Us!
League of Women Voters
Celebrate 90 years of Women’s Right to Vote.
Screening of film “The Empowerment Project”, reception and conversation at the Mary D Fisher Theater
6 pm
Join Us!!!
After signing up, registrants will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the Zoom meeting.
July speaker will be Coral Evans!!!
Coral Evans and Local Government
On Tuesday, July 21, 2020 from 5:00-6:00, Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats will present its fourth Zoom presentation. Coral Evans, Mayor of Flagstaff, asmall business owner and a former teacher, will address the significance of local government to the individual, being a mayor during COVID-19, rapiddecision making, and enforcing regulations. Because she is running for Arizona State House in the August 4 primary election, Coral will talk aboutimportant issues that need to be addressed in the state. Time will be provided for questions. Please join us.Join your Yavapai Democrats – Cottonwood to connect with neighbors in the Verde Valley and help build our local democratic community.
Each month’s meeting program will highlight different guest speaker, the latest election news, important ballot and other political initiatives, and fun and easy opportunities to get involved as a volunteer.
To join the meeting on Zoom, please register in advance at: http://bit.ly/VerdeValleyDemocrats.
Training for candidates and potential candidates
Offered by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.
National CandidateTraining.com for application
BoldProgressives,org for information
Check website(s) for more info
Coconino County Democratic Party
Monsoon Picnic
11 to 1
Bushmaster Park, Flagstaff
ccdem.org for more information
Attend the Pow Wow Etiquette On August 24th at 1:00 PM
A Special Offer to Prescott Indivisible
Manuel Lucero, Executive Director of the Prescott Pow Wow, is holding a special training for people interested in understand the etiquette and best practices to be present at Powwow’s. This training is being done in anticipation of the Prescott Pow Wow, that coincides with the Neighborhood Summit for Equity September 20 – 22.
The training will take place at 1:00 pm on the afternoon of Saturday August 24th and will be at the Prescott College Fanon Center.
The entrance to the Fanon Center is best found in the parking lot behind the Launch Pad Teen Center at the corner of Grove and Sheldon.
Please RSVP on the volunteer form prescottindivisible.org/volunteer to so we can have a sense of how many people are coming.
We will be offering a shuttle service to the Pow Wow on Saturday and Sunday in a collaborative effort to bring more people out to this great event. We will need some of our etiquette volunteers to help inform our shuttle riding guests on Pow Wow etiquette.
Training for candidates and potential candidates
Offered by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.
National CandidateTraining.com for application
BoldProgressives,org for information
Check website(s) for more info
Mark Kelly
U.S. Senate
You’re invited to a reception for Mark Kelly!
Come help us welcome Mark for the first event in Cottonwood at a reception in support of the Mark Kelly for Senate Campaign!
The reception will take place Wednesday, August 28th and will run from 5:30 – 7:00pm in Cottonwood — address provided upon RSVP.
Space is limited so reserve your tickets today! To RSVP please click this link: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ctwd-ledbetter082819
Or contact Lidia Diaz Fong at [email protected].
Thanks so much for your support and we look forward to seeing you in Cottonwood!
– Team Kelly
Paid for by Mark Kelly for Senate
Mark Kelly for Senate
3104 E Camelback Rd.
# 924
Phoenix AZ 85016 United States
Dear League Members and Friends,
If you’re interested in learning more about the issues, people and politics of our country, the League of Women Voters Greater Verde Valley Book Club might be a great way to start. The only requirement is that you read the book! Discussions take place the last Saturday of each month, 1-3PM, at a member’s home. Everyone gets to comment on the book and then we move into general discussion of themes, issues, etc. Below is the selection list and dates for January thru August 2019. Contact Barbara Litrell, LWV Book Club Coordinator, if you have questions or want to be added to the Book Club email list.
August 31st
“How the Right Lost It’s Mind”
by Charles J. Sykes
September 28st
“Predisposed: Liberals, Conservatives and the Biology of Political differences”
by John Hibbing, Kevin Smith, John Alford
NOTE: Discussion of book will be Friday, October 11, 10AM with the author John Alford present at the LWV luncheon.
Contact Barbara 649-0135
Ignite the Justice!
Stop the deportation and inhumane treatment of people.
Stop the deportation of gravely ill children.
Hosted by: Arizona Jews for Justice
National Council of Jewish Women
Begins at 9am