P.O. Box 4393 Sedona, AZ 86336
December 20, 2017
Contact: Kathy Kinsella
Organizers of last year’s Sedona Women’s March have announced an anniversary March for January 20, 2018, starting at 10AM. Marchers will gather at Creative Gateways, 45 Birch Blvd. off SR89A (across from Whole Foods) in West Sedona and march to Vino di Sedona, 2575 SR89A, to rally there, on the back patio.
Following last year’s presidential election, 1500 people took part in Sedona’s Women’s March. Collectively, marches, rallies and events that took place around the country represented the largest protest in US history. Since then, there has been a surge of activism that has resulted in new organizations being formed and in a record number of women and progressive candidates running for political office at every level – and winning. In Virginia, women unseated a total of 11 Republican male incumbents in the House of Delegates. In Alabama, Doug Jones defeated Trump-backed Republican candidate Roy Moore.
Political and social activism has grown, notably the “Me Too” movement that has empowered women to speak out about sexual misconduct. As women increasingly recognize the power of their vote, attention is turning to the 2018 congressional mid-term elections, as well as to local and state elections. Every state office will be up for election in Arizona in 2018.
The march and rally will feature speakers from local organizations addressing a variety of issues and encouraging voter turnout. Voter registration information will be available. Box lunches can be pre-ordered by calling the restaurant. The march is open to everyone and signs will be available, although marchers are encouraged to bring their own, on issues that are important to them.
Sedona will march in solidarity with the Women’s March 2018.
At this meeting we will work together to create an action plan for winning the 2018 elections!! We will share experiences with what has worked and not worked in the past. We will create a list of the tools needed to do the work.
If you want to get involved and become an active team member for winning back our power, please contact Cathy at for meeting details.
“Action is the antidote to despair.” Joan Baez
Your participation is essential to our success!!
We can succeed with everyone’s involvement.
“The Arizona Voters Corporation Commission: What Voters Need to Know”
Guest Speaker Kiana Sears, M.P.A.
Mark your calendars for and attend our January meeting in 2018. It will all take place at the Yavapai Food Council, 2020 Contractors Road from 10:00-12:00, the fourth Tuesday of the month.
Democratic Women of the Prescott Area will host a lunch for Maria, Perez, candidate for CD4.
Come share what’s on your mind about politics today-what keeps you up at night?
This is a great get together. Join us.
Last month we stood up for:
Corner Democracy is a weekly gathering. Bring a sign with your message of the week and join the progressive meet up to activate your passion for Democracy and sign up voters. See you on the corner of Coffee Pot and SR 89A. Honk your support if you’re driving by.
Why I am targeting the DREAM Act and Chip this week
I took this from the Prescott Indivisible group’s email:
“… we must make the Dream Act law so that dreamers are protected from the cruelty of being deported from the only country they have ever known. We have to get Democrats and our Senators to stall a budget bill until the Dream Act is included as legislation.”
Arizona’s CHIP money will be spent by the end of Jan.
Great info on this at Kaiser Family Foundation, State Plans for CHIP as Federal Funds Run Out.
“After Arizona froze CHIP enrollment in December 2009, enrollment fell by more than 60% from about 46,900 to 17,600 as of July 2011 (Figure 2).13 Just over four in ten disenrolled children moved to Medicaid due to declines in family income, but many others likely became uninsured.14 The children’s uninsured rate in Arizona grew following the enrollment freeze.15 Over the same period, the waiting list for CHIP grew to over 100,000 children and was continuing to grow at a rate of about 10,000 children per month.”
Join the League of Women Voters and 12 other forum cosponsors for a discussion on the crisis in public education. Learn facts, impacts, and what we can do.
Please attend the forum beginning at 6pm at the Dysart Education Center OR livestream the forum beginning on Thursday, January 25, 2018 at 6:30pm.
Live Streaming Link:¬if_t=page_user_activity&ref=notif
The winter meeting will be in Casa Grande. See for information. If you are a voting PC, you will receive and invitation from the Party in the mail. If you are a voting PC and need a ride, call Paul at 928-284-6824. If you are a voting PC and do not plan to attend, download a proxy form from, fill it out, and bring it to the next breakfast.
Read and discuss “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” by Brandy Lee. Join us!!!!
Call 649-0135
DORR’s Annual Meeting will be held on January 28th, 4:30 PM,at St. Andrew’s Church, Sedona. It will be a pot luck so bring a main dish, salad, or dessert. Please e-mail Jan Graham as to what type of dish you are bringing, at At this meeting, we will be presenting the new Board of Directors and electing them for the coming year. We will also be discussing our plans for the coming year.
This effort will require many volunteers to circulate petitions. You can pick up petitions to circulate at the meeting or contact me after the meeting.
Terry Goddard, Former Arizona Attorney General will be speaking at our Annual Meeting on January 28. He will be introducing his new initiative drive to Outlaw Dirty money in Arizona. This is a citizen driven initiative campaign to collect enough signatures get this on the November Ballot.
This Constitutional Amendment is intended to secure the right of the People of Arizona to know who is making major contributions to influence the result of Arizona elections, to prevent corruption and provide information Arizona voters need to make informed election decisions. To secure this right, this Constitutional Amendment requires public disclosure of all contributors who give more than $2,500 to influence elections in a two-year election cycle, regardless of legal form and whether their contributions passed through any intermediaries.
We will also be hearing from two of our LD6 Legislative candidates, Wade Carlisle for Senate and Bobby Tyler for House. We need to help them #TURNAZBLUE
The final speaker will be Jevin Hodge (below), Vice Chairman of the Arizona Democratic Party and a very inspiring speaker. Jevin acted as an advisor to President Obama and his administration as to how to best engage younger voters. He is noted as one of America’s leading young agents for change.
This event will be the every first Tuesday of the month, 6 pm, Talk Politics & Act.
At the DORR Office.
Description: A free flow sharing of issues in politics that we care about.
Followed by group suggestions for actions.
Join us to a fun evening of Wine & Cheese as we write postcards to voters in Pennsylvania to encourage voting for the March 13 Congressional election. This is a very important election! Republicans are pumping 1.5 Million into it! A young, progressive democrat is up for election. LET’S TURN PENNSYLVANIA BLUE!
Bring some cheese,crackers and wine to share with 5-6 people.
Our monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 from 1:30-3:30. We will discuss how to elect a Democrat to the Senate in 2018.
Contact Toby:
Save the Date for LWVAZ Legislative Day at the State Capitol!
This is a chance for League members to:
a)visit the State Capitol if you have never been there;
b)let our legislators know that LWVAZ is HERE and interested in what they are doing;
c)meet with one or more of the legislators from your district , to let them know what’s important to you.
First gathering:
9:30 am, Historic Supreme Court Chambers; coffee and pastries; Legislative speakers invited to speak on issues important to LWV
On-going: Scheduled visits with legislators, in their offices, with specific talking points
Noon lunch (provided) Back in the Chambers; possible legislative speaker
1:30: Be on the floor in the Chambers, where League will be officially recognized (as being present)
2:00 Meet to debrief
3:00 End
*********IT’S TONIGHT!***********
**********IT’S TONIGHT!***********
**No longer feeling helpless!! This is your opportunity to Act and Make a Real Difference!*****
Free flow conversation about issues of importance followed by important actions we need to take! 6pm.
You are encouraged to attend. No longer helpless, you can do something to contribute and take America back!
Talk Politics and Act
Today 6PM
DORR Office by Olde Sedona Bar & Grill, across from Whole Foods
Join us on the corner of Coffee Pot and 89A with a sign about love and inclusion.
2018 is the year we elect pro-public education people to represent us in the State Legislature. Join us on February 8, 2018, to celebrate our strength and to gear up for victory in November. Eat good food, drink good wine, and hear more about what we’re planning as the election gets rolling. Location: El Portal Sedona Hotel, 95 El Portal Lane, Sedona.
Working together we can defeat the people who vote to destroy public education – Sylvia Allen and Bob Thorpe – and elect Bobby Tyler, Felicia French, and Wade Carlyle to rebuild and support our public education system.
Check out our website at and watch for further emails about February 8, 2018. Bring 5 friends and grow the energy.
Pass this on to everyone else you know who supports public education and wants to be involved in the change. This is the year.
County Democratic Party monthly Meeting.
Watch via Zoom at the DORR office at 6PM. Bring a dish for a potluck. Speakers are Robert Mark Gordon, Candidate for Secretary of State Jevin Hodge, Vice Chair of the ADP.
February 2018 Roundup
We’re Kicking Off 2018: Fun, Food, & Politics!
Arizona Democratic Party Update
What We’ve Been Up to in January: Lots!
Upcoming Events
Notice to Candidates
Help Needed
Looking for Inspiration?
Interested in joining the work to win in 2018?
Give us a call!
Mailing Address:
POB 701
Flagstaff, AZ 86002
201 E. Birch Ave.
Suite 6
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Our Mission is to protect the American Dream, the American Worker, and the Future of our Children by electing Democrats at the national, state, and local levels
We’re Kicking Off 2018: Fun, Food, & Politics!
Our 2018 Community Action Kickoff happens at Coconino High School on February 10. Come:
10:00 – 12:30 p.m. Lunch will be available for purchase from the Archuletta food truck service and you’ll be able to take some home to stock your freezer if you choose!
You’ll meet candidates from across the State, you’ll learn about our local activist organizations, and you’ll eat very well thanks to the generous work of the Archuleta family! We need a big turnout to support our candidates who are now in the critical stage of collecting signatures to get onto the primary ballot. We’ll also have petitions to support the ballot initiative to defeat Dark Money.
During the first hour, you’ll have time to chat with Democratic candidates who are seeking your support. Likewise, you’ll have time to chat with members of the local activist organizations. Then, each will have a short, two-minute opportunity to speak to the crowd.
Local non-profits and activist organizations who have so far confirmed they will attend are:
Together We Will Northern Arizona
Democrats of the Red Rocks
Coconino County Diversity Council
Sierra Club
Mom’s Demand Action
Murdoch Center/Southside Community
Safer Arizona Cannabis Legalization Act
Keep Flagstaff Together
Emily’s List/Arizona List
Outlaw Dirty Money
Flagstaff Needs a Raise – Vote NO To Stop the Pay Cuts
NAU Young Democrats
Candidates whom we expect will be with us, so far, are:
Deedra Abboud – U.S. Senate
Tom O’Halleran – U.S. House of Representatives, CD-1
Steve Farley – Governor
Kelly Fryer – Governor
David Garcia- Governor
Katie Hobbs – Secretary of State
January Contreras – Attorney General
Mark Manoil – State Treasurer
David Schapira – Superintendent of Education
Kathy Hoffman- Superintendent of Education
Jake Bell – Corporation Commission
Sandra Kennedy – Corporation Commission
Bill Mundell — Corporation Commission
Kiana Sears – Corporation Commission
Wade Carlisle – LD 6 Senate
Bobby Tyler – LD 6 House
Felicia French – LD 6 House
Ted Reed – Superior Court Judge
Dan Slayton – Superior Court Judge
Howard Grodman – Justice of the Peace
Coral Evans – Mayor
Austin Aslan – City Council
Paul Deasy – City Council
Alex Martinez – City Council
We expect to have a raucous and exciting time. Come join us!r
Joan Chittister: Her Story, My Story, Our Story a play about the Benedictine nun – turned controversial spokesperson for international peace and social justice will be presented at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church on Sunday, February 11, at 2:00.
The play introduces the audience to two women: Sr. Joan and the playwright herself. Bays has long been fascinated, and influenced, by Chittister, whom she calls “a prophet for our time. By ‘prophet’ I don’t mean a predictor of the future. I mean someone who offers a countercultural voice and says the things that are not easily heard. Sr. Joan charges all of us to ask questions and challenge each other.” Throughout the performance Bays speaks in both women’s voices, moving back and forth across the simple set, literally shifting between the perspectives of Sr. Joan, the public advocate for humanity, and herself, an everyday modern woman searching for her professional and spiritual place in the world.
Chittister has been interviewed by Bill Moyers, Timothy Russert, and Oprah Winfrey among others. She is the author more than 50 best-selling books, a regular blogger for the Huffington Post, and has appeared on 60 Minutes and Meet the Press.
The author and performer is Teri Bays. Bays is a singer, writer, and actor who received her Bachelor’s degree from the Hartt School of Music in CT and has performed leading roles in summer stock, off-Broadway musicals, and NYC cabarets.
Tickets are $20 general admission, $10 for students in advance. They can be purchased at, or at St. Andrew’s between 10am-12:30pm weekdays. At the door they will be $25 and $12.50. Questions, call St. Andrew’s 828-282-4457.
When: February 11th
3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Where: Keep Sedona Beautiful, Pushmataha Center
300 Brewer Road
“If something needs fixing, then lace up your shoes and do some organizing.”
Barack Obama’s Farewell Address
Time to lace up our boots and get to work!!
Everyone who wants to help turn Arizona BLUE in 2018 is invited to a meeting on February 11th. We need you there!!
At this meeting we will roll out the Action Plan for Sedona and Surrounds for activating voters to vote Blue in the 2018 election. We are going to turn our US Senate seat BLUE as well as our state legislative seats!! Participants will also meet in precinct groups to discuss organizing to implement the plan.
For more information email Cathy Rutherford:
Democratic Perspective – Progressive Talk Radio in Sedona and Northern Arizona on KAZM 780 AM every Monday at 8:15 a.m. Hear current local, state, and national office candidates and newsmakers discuss issues such as healthcare, prescription drug costs, poverty, climate change, local environmental, social justice, and a variety of other issues. See our archive of shows at or listen to the live stream at
Keep involved and “Don’t Agonize, Organize!”
The League of Women Voters Greater Verde Valley invites you to celebrate the League’s 98th birthday.
Guest Speaker: Francis Riemer, PH.D.
“The Equal Rights Amendment: Unfinished Business”
Dr. Francis Riemer is Associate Faculty and former Director of NAU’s Women’s and Gender studies Program, and professor of Educational Foundations. She is an educational anthropologist who has conducted ethnographic research in the US, Africa, and Latin America. Her research focuses on gender, development and sustainable communities, change and issues of equity and access and cultural and social organizations community, school, and workplace. She is a Fulbright Fellow affiliated with the University of Botswana, recipient of a National Academy Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship, and an Elva Knight Research grant, among other grants and fellowships.
Thursday, February 15, 11:30 AM-1PM
Sedona Elks Lodge, 110 Airport RD, Sedona
$22 includes lunch
Raffle to benefit Voter Education Programs!
RSVP Required: Barbara Litrell 649-0135
The next DORR Breakfast will be Thursday, February 15th. Featured speakers will be David Shapira and Kathy Hoffman candidates for Superintendent of Public Instruction. Information will be available about Prop 305 ballot initiative to kill vouchers for All in AZ.
Democrats of the Red Rocks invites you to attend our critical issues breakfasts held on the third Thursday of the month. Each breakfast meeting features knowledgeable speakers who will keep us informed of Democratic Party and social issues of the day. The meetings are held at the Olde Sedona Family Restaurant Bar and Grill, 1405 West Highway 89A, Sedona Arizona (unless otherwise noted).
Admission is $12 for DORR members and includes a lavish buffet and gratuity. Pay at the door. Doors open at 8 a.m. The program begins at 8:30 a.m. All are welcome. Join your friends and neighbors and get answers to your political and community questions.
V-day Sedona Presents The Vagina Monologues
Join Us As We Celebrate The 20th Anniversary of The Vagina Monologues & the Founding of V-Day, the Global Activist Movement to End Violence Against Women and Girls
On Saturday, February 17), 2018, at 7:30pm, V-Day Sedona will present a one-night only benefit performance of Eve Enslers award winning play The Vagina Monologues at the Sedona Creative Life Center.
Over the past two decades, tens of thousands of communities and college campuses have staged V-Day benefit performances of The Vagina Monologues and other artistic works, campaigns & Risings in over 200 countries and territories. V-Day activists have raised consciousness, changed laws to protect women and girls, funded rape crisis centers and domestic violence shelters (often times these much needed funds kept them from closing), educated their communities, and raised well over $100 million in urgently needed funds for groups doing the essential work of ending violence and serving survivors and their families.
Sedona Creative Life Center 7:30-9:30
Tickets are $25 – – V-Day Sedona Vagina Monologues – All Proceeds Benefit the Verde Valley Sanctuary
For its 20th anniversary, V-Day is calling on activists around the world to Rise, Resist and Unite. Welcome to V-Season 2018.
Join us as we launch our Campaign for Arizona’s 4th Congressional District!
Sunday, February 18, 4-6pm, Elks Theatre Ballroom,
117 East Gurley St (Third Floor), in downtown Prescott.
Music, theatre, inspiration and fun.
Democratic Perspective – Progressive Talk Radio in Sedona and Northern Arizona on KAZM 780 AM every Monday at 8:15 a.m. Hear current local, state, and national office candidates and newsmakers discuss issues such as healthcare, prescription drug costs, poverty, climate change, local environmental, social justice, and a variety of other issues. See our archive of shows at or listen to the live stream at
Keep involved and “Don’t Agonize, Organize!”
Wednesday February 21, 2018
Sedona Fire Station #6
2675 AZ-179, Sedona
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Please note: No cash or credit cards
will be accepted at
the mobile service location
Be sure to bring all relevant documents for the service you seek
In partnership with Coconino County, the Yavapai County Assessor, Recorder and Voter Registration Departments will be providing services to the Sedona area community.
Services will include:
• Apply for an exemption
• Apply for the Senior Value Freeze
• Check property details and values
• File an appeal of valuation
• Change your property tax mailing address
Recorder/ Voter Registration:
• Record Documents: Bring check and original documents that will be recorded on 2/22/2018. Check our website for fee schedule at
• Obtain unofficial copies of prior recorded documents.
• Request official copies of prior recorded documents.
Check above webpage for fees.
• Help in searching for prior recorded documents
• Register to vote/update residential or mailing address
• Register for the Permanent Early Voting List
Please visit our website or call us for details on the above services and programs prior to the event. 928-771-3220 928-771-3244 928-771-3248
Political Film Club:
“An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power”
Call for the location to view this movie:
Let’s Talk Politics
Join a group of people to vent your feelings about the current political climate.
Sedona Community Center, 2615 Melody Lane, Sedona
“Democracy in Chains”
Join us to review this informative book by Nancy MacLean.
Call for information regarding the time and location.
Democratic Perspective – Progressive Talk Radio in Sedona and Northern Arizona on KAZM 780 AM every Monday at 8:15 a.m. Hear current local, state, and national office candidates and newsmakers discuss issues such as healthcare, prescription drug costs, poverty, climate change, local environmental, social justice, and a variety of other issues. See our archive of shows at or listen to the live stream at
Keep involved and “Don’t Agonize, Organize!”
Voter Education Program
“Tale of two Monuments: Bear Ears and Grand Canyon”
Guest Speaker – Roger Clark, Grand Canyon Trust
Yavapai College, Sedona, 4215 Arts Village Drive, Sedona
Mark your calendars for and attend our February meetings in 2018. It will take place at the Yavapai Food Council, 2020 Contractors Road from 10:00-12:00, the fourth Tuesday of the month.
Corner Democracy is a weekly gathering.
Bring a sign with your message of the week and join the progressive meet up to activate your passion for Democracy and sign up voters.
See you on the corner of Coffee Pot and SR 89A.
Honk your support if you’re driving by.
Coffee Pot and 89A
Join NAIC and NAICL to:
* Learn about recent changes to DACA and other legislation that affects immigrants in our community
* Share your own experiences related to this issue
* Discuss how we can continue to make our schools, congregations, and neighborhoods more welcoming to immigrant families
Lunch, childcare, and Spanish translation will be provided.
Sunday 3/4/2018 – 1:30-3:30
San Francisco de Asis Catholic Parish
1600 E Route 66, Upper Hall, Flagstaff
Please RSVP if possible!
Democratic Perspective – Progressive Talk Radio in Sedona and Northern Arizona on KAZM 780 AM every Monday at 8:15 a.m. Hear current local, state, and national office candidates and newsmakers discuss issues such as healthcare, prescription drug costs, poverty, climate change, local environmental, social justice, and a variety of other issues. See our archive of shows at or listen to the live stream at
Keep involved and “Don’t Agonize, Organize!”
Join us to plan our Kyrsten Sinema event.
March 5, 2018
Contact Toby
This event will be the every first Tuesday of the month, 6 pm, Talk Politics & Act.
At the DORR Office.
Description: A free flow sharing of issues in politics that we care about.
Followed by group suggestions for actions.
Join us to a fun evening of Wine & Cheese as we write postcards to voters in Pennsylvania to encourage voting for the March 13 Congressional election. This is a very important election! Republicans are pumping 1.5 Million into it! A young, progressive democrat is up for election. LET’S TURN PENNSYLVANIA BLUE!
Bring some cheese,crackers and wine to share with 5-6 people.
Corner Democracy is a weekly gathering.
Bring a sign with your message of the week and join the progressive meet up to activate your passion for Democracy and sign up voters.
See you on the corner of Coffee Pot and SR 89A.
Honk your support if you’re driving by.
Coffee Pot and 89A
Politics and Philosophy Presentation.
League board member Andrea Christelle, PhD, Sedona Philosophy Experience, and Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, National Director, Move to Amend, will lead a discussion on “The Intersection of Philosophy, Politics, and Action”
Join us at Cafe Jose’s for lunch with Nancy Maclean.
You may buy your own lunch and Ms. Maclean will be the guest of Democratic Perspective.
With her new book, Democracy in Chains, Dr. Nancy MacLean joins a growing movement of scholars and journalists documenting the systemic, organized effort to undermine democracy and change the rules.
On Saturday, March 10th from 3:30-500pm Dr. MacLean will present findings from her best selling book at the Sedona Public Library. Signed copies of Democracy in Chains will be available for purchase at the event.
We welcome Dr. MacLean to Sedona!
Coconino -Roosevelt Dinner
March 10 @ 5:30pm-9:00pm $85.00
Our biggest fundraiser of the year. This gives us the fuel to run our 2018 winning machine.
Our keynote speaker is Jevin Hodge. Jevin is a Millennial Inspirational Speaker, noted as “America’s Leading Young Agent for Change” and author of L.Y.F.E. – Living Young Free and Extravagant. You’ll truly appreciate the energy Jevin brings to his role as Vice-Chair of the Arizona Democratic Party.
Online ticket sales are now available on ActBlue. Single tickets are $85 in advance and $100 after March 5th. Buy a table for eight for $680.
Or, call the office to reserve your seats: 928-214-0393.
Follow this event’s Facebook Page to see the exciting Live and Silent Auction items. If you’d like to donate an item or service, please call.
Democratic Perspective – Progressive Talk Radio in Sedona and Northern Arizona on KAZM 780 AM every Monday at 8:15 a.m. Hear current local, state, and national office candidates and newsmakers discuss issues such as healthcare, prescription drug costs, poverty, climate change, local environmental, social justice, and a variety of other issues. See our archive of shows at or listen to the live stream at
Keep involved and “Don’t Agonize, Organize!”
The Flagstaff Young Democrats are hosting this forum. There will be a panel of Community Leaders including Mayor Coral Evans, County Attorney Bill Ring, State Senate candidate Wade Carlisle, State House candidate Bobby Tyler, as well as a representative from Moms Demand Action and more!
Parking will be free in the Cline Library from 6:30pm to 9:30pm!
Please message the club Facebook Page to submit questions you would like the panelists to answer, of which a select few will be chosen. There will be a public Q&A session at the end of the forum where you can ask any remaining questions you might have.