19 Wed
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Sep 19 all-day
Last day to register to vote is October 9, 2018. If you have not registered to vote or need to change your address on your voter registration, please go to and complete the voter[...]
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6:00 pm LWV Climate and Adaptation Plan – Mayor Coral Evans speaks, Mayor Sandy Moriarity moderates @ Yavapai College
LWV Climate and Adaptation Plan – Mayor Coral Evans speaks, Mayor Sandy Moriarity moderates @ Yavapai College
Sep 19 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
LWV Climate and Adaptation Plan - Mayor Coral Evans speaks, Mayor Sandy Moriarity moderates @ Yavapai College
Meet Two Mayors!!! Coral Evans, Flagstaff’s mayor and moderator, Mayor Sandy Moriarity from Sedona.Yavapai College, Sedona, 4215 Arts village Drive, Room 34 Contact: Kathy Kinsella 917.846.3827 [email protected]