6 Sat
Kavenaugh – Call @ Home or mobile phone
Kavenaugh – Call @ Home or mobile phone
Oct 6 all-day
Kavenaugh - Call @ Home or mobile phone
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Oct 6 all-day
Last day to register to vote is October 9, 2018. If you have not registered to vote or need to change your address on your voter registration, please go to and complete the voter[...]
Time Magazine – Buy it at your Newsstand @ Any venue that sells magazines
Time Magazine – Buy it at your Newsstand @ Any venue that sells magazines
Oct 6 all-day
Time Magazine - Buy it at your Newsstand @ Any venue that sells magazines
12:00 am
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9:00 am “If It’s Saturday , We Canvass in Cottonwood” – Cottonwood @ Call Cathy for location
“If It’s Saturday , We Canvass in Cottonwood” – Cottonwood @ Call Cathy for location
Oct 6 @ 9:00 am
JOIN US!!! Canvassing in Cottonwood on Saturday!!!! If it’s your first time canvassing, we’ll make sure you go with an experienced canvasser. Bring friend too! Please contact Cathy for the meet up place: Cathy (928)[...]
12:30 pm NAZCCA – (Indivisible Cottonwood) @ Cottonwood Public Library
NAZCCA – (Indivisible Cottonwood) @ Cottonwood Public Library
Oct 6 @ 12:30 pm – 1:45 pm
Dear Friend, We have decided to cancel our monthly meetings at the Cottonwood Library (the monthly NAZCCA meeting will continue to be held at the Library on the 1st Saturday of each month from 12:30-1:45).[...]
12:30 pm NAZCCA Money Cottonwood Meeting @ Cottonwood Library
NAZCCA Money Cottonwood Meeting @ Cottonwood Library
Oct 6 @ 12:30 pm
Join us to plan July strategies! *Gather signatures on our petitions to local, state, and national leaders in Arizona. *How can we support the can Energy for a Healthy Arizona bill? *We have some ideas![...]
1:00 pm Fundraising Concert for Democrats @ Main Stage
Fundraising Concert for Democrats @ Main Stage
Oct 6 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Fundraising Concert for Democrats @ Main Stage
Giant FUNDRAISING CONCERT for AZ Legislature & Congressional Candidates Sat Oct 6, 2 pm @ MAIN STAGE #1 S. Main Cottonwood! WOW! MORE INFO WILL BE POSTED SOON announcing many of our most loved area[...]