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Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Sep 17 all-day
Last day to register to vote is October 9, 2018. If you have not registered to vote or need to change your address on your voter registration, please go to and complete the voter[...]
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Sep 18 all-day
Last day to register to vote is October 9, 2018. If you have not registered to vote or need to change your address on your voter registration, please go to and complete the voter[...]
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Sep 19 all-day
Last day to register to vote is October 9, 2018. If you have not registered to vote or need to change your address on your voter registration, please go to and complete the voter[...]
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Sep 21 all-day
Last day to register to vote is October 9, 2018. If you have not registered to vote or need to change your address on your voter registration, please go to and complete the voter[...]
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Sep 22 all-day
Last day to register to vote is October 9, 2018. If you have not registered to vote or need to change your address on your voter registration, please go to and complete the voter[...]
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11:00 am Monsoon Picnic – Join Us!!! @ Fort Tuthill
Monsoon Picnic – Join Us!!! @ Fort Tuthill
Sep 16 @ 11:00 am – 1:30 pm
Monsoon Picnic - Join Us!!! @ Fort Tuthill
Coconino Democratic Party – Monsoon Picnic Join Us!!!
6:00 pm LWV Climate and Adaptation Plan – Mayor Coral Evans speaks, Mayor Sandy Moriarity moderates @ Yavapai College
LWV Climate and Adaptation Plan – Mayor Coral Evans speaks, Mayor Sandy Moriarity moderates @ Yavapai College
Sep 19 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
LWV Climate and Adaptation Plan - Mayor Coral Evans speaks, Mayor Sandy Moriarity moderates @ Yavapai College
Meet Two Mayors!!! Coral Evans, Flagstaff’s mayor and moderator, Mayor Sandy Moriarity from Sedona.Yavapai College, Sedona, 4215 Arts village Drive, Room 34 Contact: Kathy Kinsella 917.846.3827 [email protected]
8:00 am DORR Breakfast @ Olde Sedona Bar and Grill
DORR Breakfast @ Olde Sedona Bar and Grill
Sep 20 @ 8:00 am
DORR Breakfast @ Olde Sedona Bar and Grill
DORR Breakfast Discussion of Ballot Measures on the November Ballot Thursday, September 20, 8 am Olde Sedona Family Restaurant 1405 West Highway 89A, Sedona Arizona Admission is $15 and includes a lavish buffet. *** please[...]
3:30 pm Corner Democracy – Join Us!
Corner Democracy – Join Us!
Sep 20 @ 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Join us on the corner of 89A and Coffee Pot Bring a sign or use one of ours. Stand up for Democracy and Progressive values.
5:00 pm “If It’s Thursday in Sedona, We Phone Bank” @ DORR Office
“If It’s Thursday in Sedona, We Phone Bank” @ DORR Office
Sep 20 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Join us at the DORR Office! We will make calls to voters encouraging them to Vote! EVERY THURSDAY!!!!! Time: 5-7pm DORR 1385 89A (across from Whole Foods) Contact: Leah Hammond 720.499.2872 [email protected]
6:00 pm Prop 127 Go Solar! Slow Climate Change! @ Hogan Reservation
Prop 127 Go Solar! Slow Climate Change! @ Hogan Reservation
Sep 20 @ 6:00 pm
Prop 127 Go Solar! Slow Climate Change! @ Hogan Reservation
9:00 am “If It’s Saturday , We Canvass in Cottonwood” – Cottonwood @ Call Cathy for location
“If It’s Saturday , We Canvass in Cottonwood” – Cottonwood @ Call Cathy for location
Sep 22 @ 9:00 am
JOIN US!!! Canvassing in Cottonwood on Saturday!!!! If it’s your first time canvassing, we’ll make sure you go with an experienced canvasser. Bring friend too! Please contact Cathy for the meet up place: Cathy (928)[...]
10:30 am Democracy in Chains – Nancy MacLean @ Sedona Library
Democracy in Chains – Nancy MacLean @ Sedona Library
Sep 22 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Democracy in Chains - Nancy MacLean @ Sedona Library
1:00 pm LWV – Political Book Club
LWV – Political Book Club
Sep 22 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Join Us! Politics Book Club 1:00-3:00pm Call 649. 0135 for location Barbra Litrell [email protected]