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Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Sep 23 all-day
Last day to register to vote is October 9, 2018. If you have not registered to vote or need to change your address on your voter registration, please go to and complete the voter[...]
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Sep 25 all-day
Last day to register to vote is October 9, 2018. If you have not registered to vote or need to change your address on your voter registration, please go to and complete the voter[...]
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Sep 26 all-day
Last day to register to vote is October 9, 2018. If you have not registered to vote or need to change your address on your voter registration, please go to and complete the voter[...]
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Sep 28 all-day
Last day to register to vote is October 9, 2018. If you have not registered to vote or need to change your address on your voter registration, please go to and complete the voter[...]
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Register to Vote – Check here for a location near you @ Open + for time and location
Sep 29 all-day
Last day to register to vote is October 9, 2018. If you have not registered to vote or need to change your address on your voter registration, please go to and complete the voter[...]
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6:30 pm Candidate Forum @ Cottonwood Recreation Center
Candidate Forum @ Cottonwood Recreation Center
Sep 24 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Candidate Forum @ Cottonwood Recreation Center
8:30 am LWV – Let’s Talk Politics @ Sedona Community Center
LWV – Let’s Talk Politics @ Sedona Community Center
Sep 27 @ 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Let’s Talk Politics 8:30-10:00 am Sedona Community Center 2615 Melody Lane, Sedona Grab your coffee or drink thermos and come as you are to our monthly “Let’s talk Politics” at the Sedona Community Center, 2615[...]
5:00 pm “If It’s Thursday in Sedona, We Phone Bank” @ DORR Office
“If It’s Thursday in Sedona, We Phone Bank” @ DORR Office
Sep 27 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Join us at the DORR Office! We will make calls to voters encouraging them to Vote! EVERY THURSDAY!!!!! Time: 5-7pm DORR 1385 89A (across from Whole Foods) Contact: Leah Hammond 720.499.2872 [email protected]
9:00 am “If It’s Saturday , We Canvass in Cottonwood” – Cottonwood @ Call Cathy for location
“If It’s Saturday , We Canvass in Cottonwood” – Cottonwood @ Call Cathy for location
Sep 29 @ 9:00 am
JOIN US!!! Canvassing in Cottonwood on Saturday!!!! If it’s your first time canvassing, we’ll make sure you go with an experienced canvasser. Bring friend too! Please contact Cathy for the meet up place: Cathy (928)[...]
2:00 pm Meet the Candidate -Dr. David Brill @ Dehnert Residence
Meet the Candidate -Dr. David Brill @ Dehnert Residence
Sep 29 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Meet the Candidate -Dr.  David Brill @ Dehnert Residence
5:00 pm Truman Clinton Dinner – Prescott @ The Event Spot
Truman Clinton Dinner – Prescott @ The Event Spot
Sep 29 @ 5:00 pm
Truman Clinton Dinner - Prescott @ The Event Spot