DORR Breakfast – Democrats of the Red Rocks

18/10/2018 @ 8:00 am
Olde Sedona Restaurant
1405 W 89A
$15.00 includes breakfast
Karen Mcclelland

Join Felecia Rotellini, Chair of the AZ Democratic party and our LD 6 and Legislative Candidates Wade Carlisle, Bobby Tyler and Felicia French to hear the latest on the campaigns and what YOU can do to TURN ARIZONA BLUE in November!!! Sedona on October 18, 8 am at the Olde Sedona Bar & Grill.

Hear an update from our Arizona LD6 Candidates

Thursday, Oct 18, 8 am
Olde Sedona Family Restaurant
1405 West Highway 89A, Sedona Arizona
Admission is $15 and includes a lavish buffet.
All are welcome. Pay at the door.

DORR Breakfast
Last one before the election!

Wade Carlisle –Candidate for AZ Senate Wade is a fourth generation Arizonan and a product of our public education system. He is father of two daughters and proud husband of a school teacher. He is running to unseat incumbent State Senator Sylvia Allen in the November 6 election. He was the Vice-Mayor of Holbrook but recently resigned in order to concentrate on the Senate campaign. He served on the Holbrook council for thirteen years. He is committed to working to improve education, investing in AZ infrastructure, including our roads, and in protecting our natural resources.

Felicia French – Candidate for AZ House of Representatives Felicia is seeking one of our two LD6 house seats. She is a third-generation Arizonan and a retired Army Colonel with 32 years of service, including Afghan War Veteran and Army medical evacuation helicopter pilot. She is a registered nurse and educator with masters’ degrees in both management and sustainable solutions. She is a strong advocate for veteran’s affairs, affordable accessible quality healthcare for all, improving our education system starting with early-childhood, and creating more sustainable jobs.

Bobby Tyler – Candidate for AZ House of Representatives. Bobby is seeking the other of our two LD6 house seats. He is a third-generation Arizonan. He has had a 33 year career working in the power industry in many positions and assignments. He has been a volunteer firefighter and citizens police office, has served on Holbrook City Council since 2011 and as Mayor since 2015. He is committed to fighting for rural and Northern Arizona at the legislature for economic development, good paying jobs, and a world-class public education system.

Also meet Felicia Rotellini, State Democratic party chair.

Additional Candidate Events –

Join David Garcia & David Brill as they Barnstorm through the State. Our local event :

Thursday, Oct 18 2:30 – 4:00 PM
Ledbetter Law Office, 1003 N Main Street
Cottonwood AZ

Others ways to get involved-
Join canvassers at the DORR office every Saturday at 10:00 am or Sunday at 3:30 pm. Contact [email protected]
Canvassing in the VOC on Sundays at 4:00 pm contact Judy Dolloff at [email protected]
Canvassing in Cottonwood on Sundays at 4:00 pm contact Leah Hammond at [email protected]
Join our phone bank at the DORR office on Thursdays at 5:00 pm
further updates announced at the breakfast

Join us for breakfast and learn about the critical issues affecting our world.
Visit DORR’s website at or our FACEBOOK page for more info!

Democrats of the Red Rocks
P.O. Box 1165 Sedona AZ 86339 928-212-1357

About the author

Toby Friedman

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