2970 Centerpointe E Dr. Prescott
If you are considering running for a schoolboard seat in a public school district in Yavapai County or for the Yavapai College board— please consider attending an information and training session offered by the Yavapai County School Superintendents office on June 4.
Sedona has 2 seats up for election.
The seat for the Sedona area on the Yavapai College Board is also up for reelection.
Governing Board Training for New and Prospective Members
The training will be from 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM, dinner will be provided
Training will cover the following topics related to the role of a Board Member:
Powers and Duties of Governing Boards
Open Meeting Law
Policy Development
Budget Developement
Board Member Ethics
Please complete the following form to register for this event. If you need assistance or have any questions contact Jenn Nelson at 928-442-5138
GO TO : http://ycesa.com/election-services/governing-board-training/ TO REGISTER FOR THIS TRAINING
Go to http://ycesa.com/schools-and-charters to find out open seats in your district. Petitions to run for school board must be turned in by August 8. There are 2 or 3 open seats on every Governing Board in November 2018. Get Involved! Run For Something!