After the March Indivisible (ATM) – This Indivisible group began with a bus of people who traveled from Sedona, AZ to Phoenix to participate in the Women’s March on 1/20/17. After the march, many of the participants wanted to continue their activism, and the group was born.
The group’s meetings keep people engaged and motivated. It focuses on State and Local elections.
Future focus will be directed at voter registration, recruiting, training and activating Precinct Committee persons.
ATM sponsors the Liberal Ladies No Agenda Lunch Club, a social group that unites and motivates Progressive women in the Verde Valley.
After the March Indivisible collaborates with like minded progressive groups in the Sedona Action Network and members participate in marches, phone calling, postcard writing and communicating with state legislators.
As the 2024 elections approach, the group will be active in promoting Democratic candidates and supporting the goals and activities of Indivisible.
Facebook: After the March Verde Valley
Twitter: @aftermarchvv
DWPA – Democratic Women of the Prescott Area hosts luncheons featuring political speakers from across Arizona and advocates for issues Democrats feel passionate about such as women’s reproductive rights, domestic violence and healthcare. Our newsletter, emails and presentations inform members on critical issues. We organize petition drives, rapid response campaigns and demonstrations, as well as talking to our elected officials about issues that matter. Our members often volunteer for local, state and national campaigns as well.
Email –
Phone: 928.541.0413
DORR –DEMOCRATS OF THE RED ROCKS is an all-volunteer Democratic Club for Sedona, the Village of Oak Creek, and the Greater Verde Valley that welcomes all independent-minded citizens. The DORR mission is to elect Democrats by 1) Educating the community, 2) Promoting Democratic Party principles, and 3) Increasing voter turnout. We always need your help. Please volunteer!
Website info: https//
Website info: https//
Facebook: Democrats of the Red Rocks
Twitter: @DORR_Sedona
YouTube: DORR You Tube
Office location open on Thurs. and Sat. 11-3pm
$30 Individual Membership $50 Family Membership
Indivisible Cottonwood/Cornville/Clarkdale, ICCC – Indivisible CCC serves progressive voters in the Cottonwood, Cornville, and Clarkdale area by keeping people informed about local issues and providing opportunities to connect with other like-minded neighbors.
Indivisible Sedona – We are a group of 100+ women and men who follow the goals stated in the Indivisible Guide. We meet monthly to discuss the current political atmosphere. Our primary goal is to elect Democrats to the U.S. Senate, U.S. Congress, AZ state legislature, and local offices in 2024 and continue to keep Arizona Blue. We work to support current issues and support other groups in the area. Our members are a part of several National Indivisible Working Groups: Reproductive Rights, Climate Change, and Anti-Racism. We welcome new members each month. Please contact us if you are interested in joining us or for information.
Twitter: @IndivisSedona
Facebook: Indivisible Sedona
League of Women Voters – The League of Women Voters Northern Arizona (LWVNAZ) is a nonpartisan, political organization, neither supporting nor opposing candidates or political parties at any level of government, but always working on vital issues of concern to members and the public. We encourage informed and active participation in government, and work to influence public policy through education and advocacy. The League of Women Voters envisions a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge and the confidence to participate. Our mission is to empower voters and defend our democracy. LWVNAZ is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in principle and in practice. Membership and participation is open to all individuals. The programs of the League of Women Northern Arizona include regular voter education programs, voter registration campaigns, candidate forums, email action alerts, a political book club, “Let’s Talk Politics” discussion, and other special programs. For information visit:
Website :
Prescott Indivisible – Prescott Indivisible promotes social justice and political accountability through advocacy and activism while advancing humanitarian, inclusive and progressive values at all levels of civic engagement. We are one of over 6,000 local chapters of the national Indivisible grassroots movement.We organize and advocate for peaceful, effective resistance at a local level following the strategy set forth in the Indivisible Guide. We welcome people of any political persuasion who are ready to resist. We focus on local actions in defense of the rule of law, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution and stand united in opposition of any individual or group that seeks to erode or violate our democracy.
Facebook: Prescott Indivisible – Public Page/Closed Group
Handbook: here
Rural Organizing Initiative, ROI – Rural Organizing Initiative is an independent organizing leadership group dedicated to helping progressive organizers in rural Arizona get the most out of their volunteer and organizing hours. We work closely with local organizers at all levels to reduce repetitive contacts and ensure rural residents have every opportunity to participate in civic engagement and democracy.
We have regular open office hours for members of the community to come by, catch up on what’s going on, and hang out with like-minded people. Join us at the ROI Offices Wednesday nights from 4pm-7pm for free pizza and Sunday mornings from 10am-12pm for coffee and pastries.
Office Address: 707 E Mingus Ave, Ste 503, Cottonwood
Phone: 928-642-4845
Website: ROI.VOTE
Verde Valley Dems, VVD – The Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats is an informative and positive group focusing on getting the vote out and flipping Arizona blue. We encourage ACTION by providing current information and connecting you with Democratic events happening in Northern AZ. We meet in Cottonwood the first Thursday of every month at the Old Town Red Rooster Cafe at 901 N Main St. Doors open at 4:30pm and the meeting starts at 5:30pm. We focus on local issues and have speakers and guests who can inform the public about those issues.
Facebook: Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats
Yavapai Democrats – The mission of the group is to promote the values, message and principles of the Democratic Party and work to elect Democrats to public office. We believe that every human being is entitled to dignity, equal justice, healthcare, quality education, the right to choose, secure retirement, a healthy planet , and most importantly responsible government and we work to achieve these goals.
Email –
Women’s March Sedona – Women’s March Sedona is a group of concerned Sedona/Verde Valley residents who speak out for social justice. We provide information on local, state, and national issues impacting our community. We organize marches, rallies, and events that bring neighbors together and provide a way to give voice and visibility as a united community.
To join our email list and receive alerts about local actions, please visit:
Facebook: Women’s March Sedona
Twitter: @SedonaWomMarch