Sedona Action Network

AZ Elections 18 Event

08/02/2018 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
El Portal Hotel
95 El Portal Lane
donations accepted
Steve Segner and Andrea Chrystelle

2018 is the year we elect pro-public education people to represent us in the State Legislature. Join us on February 8, 2018, to celebrate our strength and to gear up for victory in November. Eat good food, drink good wine, and hear more about what we’re planning as the election gets rolling. Location: El Portal Sedona Hotel, 95 El Portal Lane, Sedona.
Working together we can defeat the people who vote to destroy public education – Sylvia Allen and Bob Thorpe – and elect Bobby Tyler, Felicia French, and Wade Carlyle to rebuild and support our public education system.
Check out our website at and watch for further emails about February 8, 2018. Bring 5 friends and grow the energy.
Pass this on to everyone else you know who supports public education and wants to be involved in the change. This is the year.

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