Sedona Action Network

I will rise for Climate Change, Jobs, and Justice

08/09/2018 all-day
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I will Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice on September 8th and pledge to vote in November 2018!

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We envision a world where our private and public leaders prioritize the protection of our planet; where solutions to remedy climate change are equitable, lift up those that are most impacted, and are rooted in racial and economic justice; and where facts win out over fiction and there is universal agreement about the impacts of climate change on the earth and all of its inhabitants.

We envision a world where a just transition to a clean and renewable energy economy creates millions of new, good jobs that can be unionized, provide family-sustaining wages, and foster professional and personal satisfaction; where returns on new energy investments go to those who have for decades been hardest hit and/or left behind; and where race, gender, income, and sexual identity don’t impact access to clean air and water.

We envision a world where job creation benefits everyone – especially displaced and workers of color; where people of all economic backgrounds can live in communities free from degradation; and where respect for the earth is mirrored in the respect we have for each other.

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