DORR Monthly Breakfast – Adrian Fontes and Stacey Champion

20/12/2018 @ 5:10 pm
Olde Sedona Bar and Grill
1405 89A
Karen Mcclelland


Katie Hobbs extends her sincere apologies, but has had to cancel her appearance at our upcoming breakfast.  She is working with her team to be ready to go on day one of her new position as Secretary of State.  Our new speaker will be Adrian Fontes.
DORR Breakfast
Adrian Fontes
Maricopa County Recorder
Stacey Champion
Citizen Activitist
Thursday, December 20, 8 am
Olde Sedona Family Restaurant
1405 West Highway 89A, Sedona Arizona
Admission is $15 and includes a lavish buffet.
All are welcome.  Pay at the door. 
  We have exciting two speakers this month
Adrian Fontes
Maricopa County Recorder
Adrian Fontes is a native Arizonan, a US Marine Corps veteran, a graduate of ASU and holds a JD from the University of Denver.  After law school, he worked for the offices of the Denver DA, the Maricopa County Attorney and the Arizona AG.  After a number of years in private practice Mr Fontes was elected in 2016 to the position of Maricopa County Recorder.  His primary duties in this office include keeping public records and administering elections.
Stacey Champion
Citizen Activist
Stacey has been leading a citizen revolt to force a review of last year’s APS rate hike allowed by the Corporation Commission.  Stacey, a small business owner of a public relations and consulting firm, began this fight with a petition on  She will discuss with us the status of her efforts to date.
See our website for links to articles about these topics.

January 17 Breakfast – We will be hosting two retired political science professors to discuss the upcoming AZ legislative session

Harriet Young – President of Flagstaff branch of American Association of University Women and Vice Chair Coconino County Democratic Party
Anne Schneider – Policy Coordinator of Unitarian Universalist Justice Arizona (UUJAZ) and author of a weekly legislative update on social justice and education issues.

Sunday January 27 DORR Annual Meeting.

4 – 7 PM St Andrews Episcopal Church, 100 Arroyo Piñon Drive, Sedona.  Potluck meal.  Sign up sheets for food will be at the Breakfasts on Dec 20 and Jan 17th or email Jan Graham at [email protected]  The list of speakers is being confirmed.
Join us for breakfast and learn about the critical issues affecting our world.
Visit DORR’s website at for more info!
Democrats of the Red Rocks
P.O. Box 1165  Sedona AZ 86339   928-212-1357

About the author

Toby Friedman

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