DORR Political Film Club – The Silence of Others

03/06/2022 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Silence of the Others
Contact Frankie for info
Frankie Riemer

The DORR Political Film Club meets monthly to discuss a movie. Participants can view the movie on social media sites, such as Netflix, Prime, You Tube, Apple, etc. The group meets monthly to discuss the movie.


The group is continuing their (anti-)war theme, this time moving west to Spain, the Spanish Civil War, and the “The Silence of Others” (2018, Netflix:
Executively produced by Pedro Almodovar, “The Silence of Others” follows a lawsuit filed to address the oppression, torture, and murder of an estimated 100,000 people during Franco’s 40-year dictatorship in Spain. In the background is the 1977 Spanish amnesty law, known as “the pact of forgetting,” which prohibits legal action for crimes committed during the country’s Civil War, and has been a “formidable obstacle to justice.” “For much of the population – including the survivor who passes his torturer’s home every day on the way to market, the children of forcibly disappeared parents found buried in mass graves, and parents still searching for their children seized at birth and handed to Franco’s allies – there is no peace in silence” (official film synopsis).
The documentary won awards for Best Documentary and Peace Film Prize Winner at the Berlin International Film Festival 2018.
A classic on the same topic, “The Spanish Earth,” (1938 YouTube, is a possible pairing for folks who have time to view two films. Narrated by Ernest Hemmingway, “The Spanish Earth” documents the Republican fight against Franco as it unfolded in the 1930s.
We look forward to a lively conversation about the Spanish Civil War, resistance, justice, and reparations.
DORR’s political film club is hosted by DORR member Mik Jordahl (Attorney) and Board member Frankie Riemer (Professor). We’ll send ZOOM invites a few days before our June 3 conversation.

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Toby Friedman

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