Prescott PowWow Etiquette Training

24/08/2019 @ 1:00 pm
Prescott College Fanon Center
Grove and Sheldon Parking lot behind the Launch Pad Teen Center
Prescott Indivisible

Attend the Pow Wow Etiquette On August 24th at 1:00 PM

A Special Offer to Prescott Indivisible

Manuel Lucero, Executive Director of the Prescott Pow Wow, is holding a special training for people interested in understand the etiquette and best practices to be present at Powwow’s. This training is being done in anticipation of the Prescott Pow Wow, that coincides with the Neighborhood Summit for Equity September 20 – 22.

The training will take place at 1:00 pm on the afternoon of Saturday August 24th and will be at the Prescott College Fanon Center.

The entrance to the Fanon Center is best found in the parking lot behind the Launch Pad Teen Center at the corner of Grove and Sheldon.

Please RSVP on the volunteer form to so we can have a sense of how many people are coming.

We will be offering a shuttle service to the Pow Wow on Saturday and Sunday in a collaborative effort to bring more people out to this great event. We will need some of our etiquette volunteers to help inform our shuttle riding guests on Pow Wow etiquette.

About the author

Toby Friedman

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